Episode 18: Love Bytes

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*YOU GUYS, BEFORE WE START, LOOK, LOOK, LOOK! REAL-LIFE MISS DANGER FANART! thank you so much for drawing this @reaquicedagoat - I love it! You smashed your project :) *

*YOU GUYS, BEFORE WE START, LOOK, LOOK, LOOK! REAL-LIFE MISS DANGER FANART! thank you so much for drawing this @reaquicedagoat - I love it! You smashed your project :) *

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(y/n) didn't understand the average teen. Or the below-average teen. Or the above ones, either.

Teenagers confused her with their obsession with looks, popularity and tendency to eye roll everything, not to mention how every single one needed a digital detox. They were so different to the teenagers of her generation, the real-life plastics, swotty nerds and lunchtime burnouts, but maybe it was just her. Perhaps she was getting old. Or maybe they frankly were that odd.

When Henry, Charlotte and Jasper came to her, spouting something about a Frittle Chip competition, it didn't make much sense. When they showed her crate after crate and can after can of the Frittle Chips they'd bought, it made even less sense. When they asked for her help to find a one-in-a-million silver chip to win the competition for a rather lame prize, all sense had gone out of the window.

But she agreed to help anyway. Anything for the kids she loved to mother, and there was a bonus; they promised her a share of the prize.

"You know, contests like this are a massive con? We should all have "mug" tattooed across our foreheads," she told the kids as she and Jasper popped the lid off yet another can and emptied the contents onto the table for Charlotte to examine. The girl frantically rummaged through the slightly salted snacks, hoping for a glimpse of silver but coming up empty-handed.

"Nothin'!" One hundred cans and still nothing. (y/n) knew she was right; the company made huge profits on how many idiots went out to buy their chips, and the award at the end would never equal their gains, but the teens didn't care. Glory was as good a prize as anything.

"Come on! Come on! (y/n), quit stoppin', more poppin'!" Jasper clamoured as he threw a couple of cans on the ground. Rolling her eyes, the woman did as he said, emptying another onto the table as Henry preoccupied himself with stacking the cans yet to be opened.

The elevator dinged as they got into it again, revealing a very excited Ray and the toy he'd nipped out to purchase. On his back, he'd strapped a sword, something he'd been begging his sweet girl to let him buy ever since they started dating. She didn't understand how cool they were and, to his dismay, only saw the danger, meaning he'd never got one until now. And he couldn't wait to show it off.

"You guys notice anything different about me?" he asked his busy group of helpers, hoping they'd see his sword--katana--and be awed by its coolness. Well, he hoped his lover wouldn't be too miffed since she'd told him a decent katana cost as much as a damn wedding dress, but he'd put on one of her favourite sweaters--the one that made his muscles bulge--and had all of his sweetest pick lines in reserve. However...

"Did you get a haircut?"

"Lose weight?"

"Become even more adorable?"

Captain Man x Reader | Henry Danger Reader Insert: SEASON 5Where stories live. Discover now