Beau Bennett

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"Come on ladies this is our last game of the regular season before playoffs. Don't play like we are already in the playoffs, play like you are fighting to get in. Go out their and play your hearts out! Let's go!" Your coach yelled as you took our positions on the lacrosse field.

For you that position was the goalie. You are pretty bored for most of the beginning of the first half because your team has done a good job playing in the offensive zone. The score is 3-0 going into the second half. But things take a turn later on when the score is 3-3.

"Ladies bring it in. This is the last game of the season, now I don't know about you, but I'd like to win this. And we have a special guest here so you better play a hell of a lot better than you are right now." Your coach says and all the girls start whispering.

"Who is it?" One of the girls asked.

"Beau Bennett." she said and everyone turned to look at you.

"Hey don't you have a big crush on him." another asked you.

"Let's not worry about that, let's get back to the game." you say walking back to your net.

You look to your right where the stands are. Standing at the top of the bleachers was none other than Beau Bennett. You look away getting your head back into the game. The opposing team was charging down the field, and had a good chance, but you made a incredible save. The clock was running out there was only 30 seconds left. Your team regained possession of the ball and scored. The girls all came over to you and surrounded you in a group hug.

"Good game Danielle. Some one here want to see you." Your coach says and points over to Beau still standing on top of the bleachers.

You walk up the bleachers and he starts smiling.

"You must be Danielle. You had an amazing game." he said shaking your hand.

"It is nice to meet you Mr. Bennett." You say blushing.

"Please it's just Beau. Here is my number." he said handing you his card. "Call me sometime."

He walked down the bleachers, and left you in shock.

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