Patrick Kane

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5-4-3-2-1, the Blackhawks just won the first game of the series. You see your boy on the ice celebrating with his teammates, and you couldn't have been prouder. Patrick had scored the game winning goal in OT. You wait until the arena is empty before you head over to the ticket booth where Patrick was meeting you. But when you got there Patrick wasn't alone. There was a girl there and they were making out.

"Patrick, how could you!" you sob.

"Danielle, I'm sorry it just happened." he said.

"You should probably go." the girl told you.

"You know what I will go, and you can forgot that I ever existed Patrick." you say throwing the promise ring at him and storms off.

"Fine, I never really loved you." he shouted back.

"Fuck you Patrick." you say running away out of the stadium.

You are now alone and collapsed by the side of the arena in tears.

"Hey what happened Danielle?" you hear someone say.

When you look up you see Brandon Saad looking down at you. He knelt down and sat besides you wrapping his arm around you.

"You know you can always talk to me." he said.

"Pattt-rick... he-ee cheated on me." you say in between sobs.

"That ass." Brandon mutters.

"Him and this girl were making out where he was suppose to met me." you cry, and Brandon brought you into his arms and started to walk to his car.

"I'll bring you to my place since you probably don't want to see Patrick right now." he says placing you in his car.


You wake up the next morning hoping that last night was just a nightmare, but everything comes to reality. All you want to do is cry and lay in bed all day. There was a knock at the door.

"Come in." you croak out.

"Hey how are you feeling?" Brandon asks.

"I feel like a train just hit me and all I know is gone." you sob and Brandon crawls into bed with you and wraps his arms around you.

"How about we just lay in bed all day and watch movies." he suggests.

"Sounds amazing." you say.

"Okay what do you want to watch. I have on demand so we can get what ever." he says.

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