Brendan Gallagher

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Today you and Brendan are sitting inside all day because of the terrible weather. The first place was lit, and Brendan had wrapped you and him up in a cozy blanket. You sat there on the couch watching the heavy snowfall. Playing on the TV above the fireplace was Frosty the Snowman

"Let's go bake something." you say.

"That's sounds great. I was getting kind of bored." Brendan says smiling down at you.

"Are you kidding me! That's one of my favorite holiday movies." you protest.

In the kitchen you look for some brownie batter or something to make brownie batter with.

"Looks like we are out." you pout.

"Oh well." Brendan says flopping back down in the living room.

"I'll go to the store." you say putting on your coat, hat, gloves, and snow boots.

"No way. I'm not letting you go out in this weather." says Brendan.

"Come on it's right down the street it's not like I'm driving there." you state.

"Well... I guess I'll go with you." he says getting his coat on as well.

While walking to the store you walk over a patch of ice. You thought you were fine, but then you fall twisting your ankle. 

"Ouch Brendan it really hurts." you cry.

"Don't worry babe I'm going to take you to the hospital." he says picking you up.

Brendan carefully carries you to his car parked out in front of your house. On the drive there the pain in your ankle only increases. At the emergency room there were people with more serious injures so you have to wait a little bit.

"Brendan it hurts so much." you say with tear stained cheeks.

He cradles you in his chest, "Just think of me or something else that makes you happy. It'll distract you from the pain."

Finally a nurse come with a wheel chair and wheels you off to a room. You have an X-ray done that says you have a fracture in you foot. After that the nurse puts a plaster cast on the lower part of your leg. For recovery you are moved into a different room. You wonder if Brendan knows what room you have been moved to. But in little time he was bursting through the door.

"How are you feeling?"he asks.

"They gave me something so I can't feel anything right now." you say.

"Yeah they definitely have you on something." he laughs.

"Don't you have practice you to go to?" you ask.

"I called coach and he is perfectly okay with me missing it. He said your loved ones come first." Brendan explains.

"You should still go." you say, feeling your eyes grow more and more tired.

"Get some sleep sweetheart." Brendan kisses your forehead.

"But Brendan..." you say, but fall asleep out cold.

For @gallagher_babe sorry for the late post! 

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