Olli Maatta

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"Bella come on do we really need to get a puppy?" Olli asked.

"I need one because you are gone all the time." you begged.

"That's not going to happen because there is a policy in this apartment building of no animals at all." he explained.

"Well I'm sick and tried of staying home all the time by myself." you say. "And the fear of someone breaking into our apartment when you aren't here."

"This is a very safe building that would never happen." he says.

"Well then I guess you didn't here that two floors down there was a robber that locked the resident in her closet." you state.

"Well that is only one incident." he says.

"That doesn't scare you a little bit?" you ask.

"Not really because I fought to get this apartment for us." he defends himself.

"You want to know the real reason why I hate you leaving me all the time?" you ask.

"Oh enlighten me." he says snobbishly.

"I'm afraid that you will cheat on me because I'm not good enough for you." you say and start to cry.

"Well if you really think that, and don't trust me then I think that you should leave." he yells.

"Olli please no." you sob.

"I don't want to be with someone who doesn't trust me 100%." he says carrying you out of the apartment and places you in the hall.

"I don't want to leave you Olli." you sob.

"I'll be sending Kris over with your stuff. Stay in a hotel or something." he says giving you some money and your purse.

He shuts the door and you collapse to the floor in a fit of tears.

"This is all my fault." you cry.


It's been a month since you and Olli broke up. You have been staying in a hotel all this time. You have been texting and calling Olli everyday saying how sorry you are. One day Beau came over.

"Hey what's up." you say putting on a fake smile.

"I'm just check up on you." he says sitting down next to you on the couch.

"Did Olli or Kris put you up to this." you say.

"No, you know that I care about you." Beau says.

"Well that means a lot to me." you smile. "I could use a friend right now."

"How about we go out and grab a bite to eat?" He asks.

"Sounds good." you say.

You and Beau head over to this seafood restaurant down the street from the hotel. After you finish eating lunch you see Olli, a blonde chick, and a puppy. A PUPPY! He said that he never wanted a puppy.

"We can walk the other way if you want." Beau whispers to you.

"No I can do this." you say putting on a brave face.

"Oh hey Bella." Olli says.

"Look I'm very sorry Olli. I should have known to trust you. You were the most loyal boyfriend I had ever had. Goodbye Olli." you say starting to walk away.

"Bella!" you hear Olli say and feel him holding your hand. "Please." he whispers.

He walks you over away from Beau and that woman he was with.

"Bella I'm so sorry I was an asshole that night. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's just that I thought that you loved and trusted me when I was away." he says.

"No it's okay Olli I should have trusted you more. I over reacted." you say.

"It is not okay. I want to make it up to you. Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asks.

"Yes!" you huh him.

"There is two more things." he says and motions something to the woman.

She walks over to you and Olli and places the dog in your arms.

"What is this." you ask.

"That is your new dog." she says and walks back over to Beau.

"I got you a Bernese Mountain Dog because I know that you really wanted one. That was the breeder just to let you know." He says.

"Olli are you crazy! We can't have a dog that is going to be gigantic in a couple of months in that apartment." you exclaim.

"That's why we'll be needing these." he says holding up a set of keys.

"What are these for?" you ask.

"I know that you've been looking at this house for a very long time so I bought it." he says.

"WHAT!" you yell. "You bought my dream home?!"

"You're welcome baby." he says and kisses you. "Now what are we going to name her?"

"Molly." you say snuggling your new puppy.

"That's perfect." he says.

"I love you so much Olli." you say kissing him.

"I love you too."

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