Claude Giroux

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For @zoeyyrichard I'm so so so sorry for this extremely late posting!


You start to get worried when it's been little over a month since your last period. So you head to the store to get a pregnancy test. Claude was at practice so it was the perfect time. Once you get there you quickly get the test and hurry to the check out.

"Good luck." the women behind the counter said.

"Um thanks." you say.

You get back into your car, and drive back to your and Claude's apartment. The two of your have been dating roughly for a year and a half. So if you are pregnant you don't know how he'll react. Claude hasn't brought up anything about having kids, nonetheless about your guy's future. And recently things haven't been that smooth. After some home games he has come home later and later drunk from partying. You haven't even bothered to wait for him to get home from road trips anymore.

Once at home you go to the bathroom, and take the test. Waiting for the five minutes felt like forever. Finally time was up and you headed over to look at the tests. You took three just in case. Just your luck they all read positive.

"Fuck me." you say to yourself.

Sobbing you sink to the floor. This is possibly the worst news you have received in a long time. If things were better between you and Claude your outlook on the situation might be different. But right now you don't know where you two stand. Thoughts like, "What if he breaks up with me and doesn't support our child?" run through your head.

All of a sudden you hear the front door close. You quickly stand up, and fix your make up, take a deep breath in, hide the tests, and walk downstairs.

"Hey babe." you say and he walks right passed you into the kitchen.

You follow him, and he still doesn't say anything.

"What's wrong?" you ask.

"Nothing Zoe, drop it." he mumbles.

"Really because you're acting strange." you point out.

"You know what I'm sick and tired of you always asking about my

personal business." he says and walks over to the stairs.

"Where are you going?" you ask.

"To take a show, jesus woman leave me alone." he yells.

You can't believe how much of an asshole he is today. To take your mind off of what just happen you decide to make his favorite dish to try and apologize. Really he should apologize for yelling at you, but you feel like he never will so one of you has to make a move.Today would definitely not be the day to tell him that you are pregnant. After his shower he came down still giving you the silent treatment.

"Dinner is on the table." you say.

He sits down, and laughs.

"What now I made your favorite dish and this is how you act? I'm really trying to make you happy. You haven't been happy recently, and it's affecting our relationship. I love you Claude, but I don't know how much longer I can do this." you sigh feeling tears coming.

"Zoe, you really think that if you made this that I wouldn't care if you are pregnant. You can't hide anything from me." he says.

The tears start rolling, because your worst fear just came true.

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