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My throat was tied only strangled sounds leaving it. Hands fisting my blouse tightly eyes closing tightly praying for it to end.

Keeping my knees close to my chest not caring for the dark green pencil skirt I wore my forehead leaning on them unable to hold upright.

If there was something I knew is that I couldn't go back, I'd be, I had to look for a new job, and get as far away from him as posible!

Why couldn't life be easier could I move somewhere else, somewhere safe?! Or even just out of this whole planet.

Hiccups sometimes left my lips from my irregular breathing pattern. My eyes sealed shut and most of my senses on overdrive I couldn't notice the new noises or the change of texture on the floor, not even the fact that I was now cradling myself in between two broken ceiling crumbles...

Even if I had, nothing would've changed, I was trapped by the two hard and heavy rocks.

But apparently no air had been leaving nor entering my lungs for far too long because a cough fit overtook me. Forcing me to painfully breathe in, even more tears falling as I tried to get control once again, failing.

I had opened my eyes only to see black and the greyish color of the rocks thanks to the few rays of light that slipped in.

Had my apartment building crumbled and I didn't even notice, was I about to lie here trapped until i died or was found?!

A strangled whine left my lips as I tried to tell but no sound left my throat.

Panic was now mixing up with dread and worsening my previous feelings. Someone must have heard me thought, I don't give any thoughts to why rescue teams are this quick and move one of my hands to push against the walls praying to get out soon.

Moving my legs under me I push with both my hands as I hear the voice talking on the other side. The moment the rocks are pulled away I fall forwards relief flooding over me.

Now on all four breathing heavily and trying to ease my eyes into the bright lights, tears continue falling but no sound is able to leave me yet.

Shock has most probably overcomes me because, when I finally manage to focus a large hand is laying on my shoulder probably attempting to soothe me, I can tell someone's talking to me but my brain doesn't understand words only sounds.

A soft ringing continues in the back of my mind and I fear passing out in front of strangers, trusting anyone to see me week has never really been my matter if it's their job to care for me.

Finally words start making sense and voices sound familiar which confused me. A specially loud voice brings me back to earth, someone that sounded angry.

"Why would you bring him here?! We're trying to calm someone who's barely breathing because of HIS work! She's balling her eyes out and you think the best place to bring that man is here?"

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