Regretting life choices

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"That's an awful lot of power, little mortal. But more importantly, how come you know those last two and deliberately decide to not act them out?"

I-I meant being equal to his brother, accepted by his father and loved by his mother not...not those dreams and desires!!!

So just like that my confidence vanished and I felt my face burning up and I frantically pushed myself away, turning into a ball to try and disappear.

While one of my arms wraps around my legs keeping them as close as possible the other raises pointing a finger to the air through my embarrassed groans and Loki's full on laugh.

"I did not mean that and you know it!"

Apparently Loki and his brother where the only ones to find the situation hilarious and entertaining respectively as none of the other midgardians present in the room seem to make as much as a sound.

Steve had most definitely taken my threat far too seriously.

"Does that imply you know all that about us all?"

Raising my head above my knees still pouting I shrug.

"I guess I do"

There's a weird moment of silence where they all reconsider just how much power I hold and I wrap both my arms around my knees once again.

"I need a hug"

My heart almost melts as I see Loki force an eye roll but open his arms for me. I'm far too petty for that tho so I scrunch my nose and say.

"I want a Thor hug"

Opening my arms for Thor with my knees still pressed against my chest he gladly complies. Pulling me up with him in a hug I stay curled up and enjoy the bear hug as long as I possibly can.

It definitely doesn't give the same feeling as Loki's. Thor's hug feels like family like belonging and having someone who cares and will always want to help.

Loki's hug felt like protection, a want that goes both ways, like you meant everything to someone. Mostly it felt like each time you'd hug him he needed the hug just as much if not more than you.

Once I pulled away, I couldn't help but chuckle at Thor's expectant look, like he silently hopped for the hug to have fixed all my life problems. And to be fair the energy he always have off was extremely refreshing.

What I was not aware off was the look flashing through Loki's facial figures before they turned emotionless again. A look of dread, one of someone that felt helpless and abandoned, one that would've most likely made my heart ache and deeply regret my every choice.

Laying against the couch once again bringing my knees up and loosely wrapping my arms around them I lated my head back against the couch.

"Thor, when are we leaving for Asgard?"

"I took the liberty of informing father rather quickly this last night through Heimdall's aid and I've just recently been told that he'll be awaiting our arrival for tomorrow. He says these matters are of upmost importance"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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