Your turn

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I felt sleepy and just comfortable just hugging Loki close. If all this is happening right after Avengers 1 then he might as well need cuddles even more than I.

As if to prove my point Loki moved his head to hide in the crook of my neck, and now so much closer to me I was able to hear his slightly uneven breath. He was still doing his best to keep it in and act strong.

Putting my well being before his no matter how worse his was. God I was such an idiot!

Even if this is a dream he's gone through so much and I'm over here acting like my problems are worse.

I move us so that I'm now the one holding him, while still making it look like I'm the one being comforted. As quietly as posible I whisper to him.

"I'm sorry, you've been through so much more than I..."

Staying this way I am able to discreetly look at the avengers who'd moved to stand and sit all around us, as if making sure either one of us could escape.

Rolling my eyes I start playing with Loki's hair and whisper.

"I know it wasn't you, you're safe me, you're just as worthy and amazing as him, even more in my eyes"

Loki's mask finally fell like he no longer cared anymore if the avengers. Picking me up as though I weighed nothing he pulled me into his lap, cradling his head to my chest listening to my heartbeat.

He bit back a dark chuckle before speaking up trying to sound emotionless but failing.

"I really don't know how you know or believe all that, you stupid mortal"

His voice sounded more like an attempt to bring back the mask or cover up slightly in front of the avengers, not like he actually meant them.

So I did answer only humming and rubbing his back softly. He'd been through so much and had yet so much to go through...

No I'm not letting any of that happen, I don't care if I need to fight the avengers to do so.

Speaking of the avengers I look around, but never stop comforting Loki. They all looked at me, like I was another new kind of chitauri, as I cradled Loki like he was my toddler that'd just got a horrible nightmare.

Thor seemed to be the most worried, he could now clearly tell his brother hadn't been in his correct state of mind during the attack, something had happened to him after faking his death!

I could see the wheels turning in his brain and decided to explain the most basic thing, just that should make him realize what had happened.

"He really did fall Thor and in no way did he plan on actually surviving that..."

It pained me to word it out, knowing exactly how it actually felt to not see the point in moving it felt to try and end it

Loki's reaction at my words broke my heart.

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