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Almost as if NY never happened and he never suffered what he did, he moved me to lay down on the exterior side of the couch covering him from humanity, mumbling insults in what guessed was asgardian but still not letting me go.

"The illusion disappeared didn't it?!"

It wasn't really a question as much as he made it sound like it. Thor finally stopped laughed and turned a bit more serious, everything was no longer forgotten and the weight fell once again.

"It did and the Avengers where certainly not pleased to see you had so easily tricked them to take a nap"

Hearing this Loki sat up, my legs moved to rest on his lap as he summoned new clothes and was about to do the same to his hair before I stoped him.

"Leave it, looks better this way, just push it back with your hand a bit!"

He raised a brow at me but did as he was told. Suddenly Tony walked out of the kitchen followed by Pepper, who held what looked like some breakfast in a tray, they'd probably been warned by JARVIS of our awakening.

Sitting up and moving away from Loki I look at them curiously, I thought Tony didn't do breakfast only coffee?

"Hey new kid want some breakfast before we actually need to bombard you with questions?!"

Pepper offered me the tray which I took looking confused.

"For me? You didn't need to-"

Tony cut me off with a look while Pepper gave me an encouraging smile.

"You are telling how to change unnecessary events, as you called it, so we might as well stay on your good side and not risk you being hangry!"

I laughed at Tony's way of putting it and started devouring my food before actually stopping to think.

My mouth still full of food and a bite of sausage on my fork I looked to the side pointing my fork at Loki then my plate, offering him some.

He seemed to get my sign language and smirked denying with his head.

"I do not require any food, small mortal"

Still mortal but at least without an insult, we're making progress!

Once I was done I noticed the looks some of the avenger's, that had arrived in the meantime, gave Loki. And swallowing my last bite I confidently stated.

"Oh he's not going anywhere for now, and when he is I'll be going too"

They looked shocked and Hawkeye even slightly glared at me. So putting the tray on the nearest table I raise my hands in the air in surrender.

"Hey, Asgard is priority for now, I'll explain some things for the events to come while I'm gone but there's really nothing you should change about them! But do ask away I'll try to answer"

They seem to think about it for a bit before Thor finally asks looking mildly worried.

"Why is Asgard a priority?"

"Oh Ragnarok!"

I speak as though I just the most common thing in the world not noticing how my words affected both Asgardians.

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