Loki lookalike

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Now that I'm finally starting to react I try to slow down my breathing hiccups still overtaking from time to time. My position had been changed so I was once again sitting on my heels my right hand still holding on to my blouse while the other laid on my lap. The hand that was once on my shoulder had moved to my lower back holding me upright.

Through my tears filled I noticed it was a blonde man crouching down at my level his eyes a soft grey blue. My brained yelled I knew him but I ignored it and looked towards the yelling.

The man to have yelled whore some metal read thing, his hair was curly and brown. He kept glaring at the much taller buffer long haired blonde guy, who I must say was also wearing something weird.

But was finally forced a sob like whine out of my mouth was the third man's appearance, long wavy raven hair and deep emerald eyes with an extremely pale skin.

My reaction was noticed but I doubt the understood it's true meaning, yelling guy was once again yelling at buff hammer guy...yes in his hand was a hammer

And the blonde guy besides me looked at me with even more pity his hand rubbing my back slowly.

But my eyes where locked on the man, the tears that had slowed falling down in torrents once again. I quickly moved to stand up.

My brain didn't care if it was actually him or just someone from the rescue team that looked exactly like him, the second option seemed much more logical. But even so my future actions could always be blamed on my state of shock.

So not really giving it a second thought I make my way, tripping on my own feet, towards the man that looks like an exact copy of Loki...who thankfully happens to be my emotional support fictional character,  as I like to call it.

I try not to trip and finally reach for him, wrapping arms tightly around the Loki lookalike figure I grip on to his clothes tightly, my head hidden on his chest the feeling of leather against my tear stained cheeks and puffy eyes.

I can tell they're all confused, I mean the up until now unresponsive woman just jumped up to hug one of their man out of nowhere. As I said I'm thankful shock can be blamed in this kind of situation!!

"Is she? Why would she hug reindeer games?!"

The words barely registered in my mind as I let go of everything holding me back crying like no one was around. Only now I could act like, whoever this Loki lookalike was, was actually my safe comfort character Loki.

So I was now mumbling nonsense against the man's chest, incomplete sentences or just words in an attempt to explain everything that happened. My knees keep buckling but hidden from everyone's eves two wide hands where holding me up.

Someone must have moved behind me as I kept mumbling and softly pulled me away from the Loki lookalike.

Emotional Support Fictional Character Where stories live. Discover now