What I know

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Seeing their faces makes me quickly correct myself.

"Oh don't worry, for now it's just the dark elves! And if I change one or two things about that Ragnarok won't even happen"

Loki understands I have it fairly under control and backs up but Thor looks even more shocked.

"Dark elves?!"

"That and your girlfriend's relationship to the aether!"

My voice must have sounded pinched as Thor looked confused and Loki amused. Tony broke it all off with one of his snarky comments of course.

"What's up new girl, jealous of Thor's girlfriend?!"

Rolling my eyes I laugh making them all look shocked. Specially Thor who seemed more and more confused as the conversation went on.

"I'm sorry it's just, Thor's adorable and caring, powerful and loyal as well as just overall hot including his voice! But he's definitely not my type for anything other than a big brother or a best friend, no offense big guy"

Thor nods solemnly apparently relaxing to hear I am not interested and so is Loki weirdly. Maybe he's just scared he'll get replaced by his brother.

"None taken, Lady- I Realize we never got your name, if I might what's you name my lady?"

I could tell he was being polite and stopped myself from snickering at how well Frigga had taught them both.

Loki on the other hand seemed more and more annoyed by the moment, he'd just woken up surrounded by people and his brother was attempting to snatch his brand new friend from him.

"My name's Leonor"

"Yes, yes whatever mortal! Now tell me just how much do you know about me?!"

Was Loki really trying to put the mask back on after getting caught cuddling me?

Raising a brow showing my disapproval to his tactics I speak without any restraints.

I'd previously pulled my legs up and underneath me, so I stood up slightly on my knees leaning closer to Loki, giving him my best badass woman look when in reality I was dying inside at the look on his face.

With the best poker face I could give and an unsettling smirk I'd learned from him I said.

"About you, specifically? I know your biggest secrets and fears, I also know just happen to know your deepest desires and dreams~"

Was not intended to be flirty only badass and impotent but the way his pupils dilated and his breathing turned slightly swallow, I believe that's the effect I got!

Not like I was actually expecting for him to be impressed or scared of me but I was not thinking of THOSE desires and dreams...

Sadly those weren't in the comics although most of us fans had already more or less guessed.

I was definitely not gonna start talking about my theories of all that considering they where all real now!

He seemed to recover from the shock rather quickly and pushes back closer to me his eyes seemingly burning into mine making me feel all flustered.

But me and my dangerously high pride I didn't move back, starring back with just as much strength.

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