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We can see a couple walking to the parking lot and one of them have a sad expression on her face, the reason why was...

?????: why did Kamen Rider Geats have to end?

Yup because Kamen Rider Geats came to it's end and that's why she was sad.

???: I know who you feel Alena, but hey a movie will come out next year.

The girl now name Alena looks at her boyfriend.

Alena: but we have to wait a year to see buffa final form and I can't wait... but I'm curious if in the movie their will be a new dark Rider?

Alena she is a big fan of Kamen Riders especially the Dark Riders

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she is a big fan of Kamen Riders especially the Dark Riders.

???: Probably? But I can wait for buffa final form.

Alena: Y/n don't forget about the theme song as well.

Y/n L/n Like his girlfriend he is a big fan of Kamen Riders

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Y/n L/n
Like his girlfriend he is a big fan of Kamen Riders

Y/n: but Kamen Rider Gotchard came out and it was great.

Alena: yes I also enjoy but I'm also mad at you.

Y/n: why?

Alena looks at him.

Alena: I told you to wait so we can wacth it together.

She than turns her back and this made y/n to chuckle and he hugs her.

Y/n: don't be mad at me... how about this when the episode ends, I will do anything that you want.

Alena: any thing?

Alena: any thing?

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