«Chapter 16: Roses»

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Sigyn rode Fenrir down the roads of Asgard. People watched them with a look in their eyes. She knew that look. Sympathy. They all knew about the loss. The loss of one of the most innocent people on Asgard. Whose life didn't threaten the stake of the universe nor some evil person's plan. She was just innocent.

Sigyn passed the library, healers office and past the marketplaces. Fenrir halted in front of their house. No. Not house. Ruins.

The once beautiful cottage house had been torn down to nothing but ashes. From the front yard to her mother's rose garden in the back. All of it was gone.

The Asgardian sun reflected off a shining piece of metal near the middle of the house. It was armour. Her father's. Sigyn crept through the broken house. Over burnt planks of wood and shards of her mother's plates. She then stood behind of him. Noticing the shadow towering over him he turned around. Iwaldi's face was stained with tears. He slowly stood up and wrapped his arms around his daughter.

They stood there in silence. As if a single noise or sound could break their reality all together. A cool breeze brushed over them as they parted. Iwaldi looked at his daughter. His eyes said everything. It's all gone.

Sigyn finally broke the silence, "Where will we reside now father?"

"The king has gifted us with rooms in the palace. We shall live there until our house is rebuilt,"



"We shouldn't rebuild it,"

"But why?

"It's gone. No amount of building can rebuild our home. It gone. Burnt. No more,"

"What shall we do with it then?"

"A garden, made from all this stuff and roses. Mother loves those,"

"I think that's a wonderful idea darling,"

He blessed her with a warm smile. Something that she needed in a time like this.

"Let's go get your mother back,"

Small filler chapter due to writers block :)

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