Chapter 2

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That night I would go to sleep and wake up crying as I remembered his face when he fell past the window. John was scared as he fell past that window and I will catch the person that did this to him, they won’t get away.

One month later, Ash went into the captions office to see that he was eating his lunch but wasn’t into his meal.

Ash said as she stood in the middle of the room, “I want to handle John's case.”

The captain sighed as he said while looking up at Ash, “Ash I have something to give you if you are going to do this.”

Ash looked at the captain in confusion as she asked, “Alright but what is it?”

The captain sighed as he got up out of his chair and walked over to his right side to a large, brown bookcase that filled the whole wall. Ash watched as he stopped in the center of the bookcase and she was surprised to see that the bookcase was filled with different types of books. 

The captain said, “Shut the blinds and windows.”

Ash quickly closed the blinds that were hovering over the windows and she quickly closed the door before she looked over at the captain with a cureuse look on her face. The captain placed his hand on a book that sat on the third shelf in the centor. Once he pulled the book half way out, there was a clicking sound as there was a lock that had been unlocked. Ash watched in amazement as the captain pulled on the bookshelf and it slowly opened like a hidden door. Once the book shelf was all the way open, the captain stepped aside so Ash could see what was in the hidden space behind the bookshelf. There were at least ten boxes that sat in a small storage space that was hidden by the bookcase. 

The captain quickly said, “Your father wanted me to hold onto these for when you are ready.”

Ash asked, “Why did he keep it from me?”

The caption quickly said, “You are going home with these boxes and don't return until you have read all the books. That is an order Ash.”

Ash asked, “Will I need to find another job until then?”

The captain smiled as he replied, “No, you will still be paid until you are ready to come back.”

Ash sighed as she said, “Well, I better get these home.”

She quickly walked over and grabbed three boxes as the captain said, “Here, I will help you carry these out to your car.”

The captain also grabbed three boxes before he followed Ash out the door and out of the police station to her car that sat on the side of the road. They reached a medium, red mersties, Ash opened the back seat door with her hand carefully and placed the boxes into her car. Ash quickly went back in for the remaining three boxes while the captain placed the three boxes into the care carefully, Ash quickly returned with the three remaining boxes. The captain placed the boxes into the car and closed the car door and quickly got into her vehicle while starting the engine at the same time. Ash quickly drove back home and brought all the boxes into her apartment, once she was finished she started looking through the boxes with an exhausted sigh. She quickly found a strange black book with a pitcher with what looked to be a gargoyle on the front cover and the title that read Arabic. Ash quickly opened the book to see that it was written in english and she slowly read the book out loud.


By sunrise they sleep and by sunset they awake from their slumber. They are only hurt by black metal that has the strength of 7250 pis or the blessed knife of ridg. When the beast is injured before they go to sleep the injuries stay even after they wake the next day.

Ash quickly closed the book as she sighed while cupping her face with her hands before she quickly got up from the floor and grabbed her black, leather jacket before she walked out the door. She shut the door behind her and locked both locks on the door before she went to the church where John had died. Once she reached the church, it was almost nightfall and Ash slowly climbed over the fence that surrounded the church with barbed wires at the top. Ash quickly took off her coat as she reached the top of the fence and placed her coat onto the barbed wires and climbed over the fence as fast as she could while grabbing her coat before climbing down the other side of the fence.

Ash sighed as she said, “Well there goes my coat.”

She then went into the building and looked thoroughly through every floor. Ash was surprised to see that the palace wasn’t overgrown with plants but there was what looked to be aspergillus mold and small amounts of black mold spread along the rooftop. There was some clutter surrounding the floor and all of the other floors looked the same as the first floor. Once Ash reached the top floor, it was past night fall and she was surprised to see that the gargoyles were gone as if they had vanished. Ash slowly unclipped her firearm as she looked around frantically for the stachews and hoped that she wasn’t going crazy.

Ash breathed deeply as she said to herself in a low whisper, “It’s alright Ash, don't freak out. Remember what the doctor said, don’t raise your heart rate otherwise you could make your condition worse.”

A voice asked from behind the part of the rooftop that sat behind Ash, “Are you sick?”

Ash quickly turned around and saw no one, she asked, “Who is there?”

The voice replied, “I live here with my brothers but they aren't here right now.”

Ash sacked, “What is your name?”

The voice replied, “I don’t have a name.” There was a sudden roaring sound and the voice quickly said, “You better go home before it is too late.”

Ash quickly followed his advice and quickly went home, once she got to her apartment she went to bed with an exhausted sigh as she fell into her twin size bed. 

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