Chapter 6

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I am breaking the others out of Joff's prison and we found a place to hide them. I let Zayn and the others know the plan but they are staying out of it which is understandable since they don't want to start a fight.

Ash sighed as she went to her wardrobe without saying a word, she slowly pulled out a black shirt and dark blue jeans with a brown leather belt with a silver belt buckle that had a cross on it. She quickly put on her clothes before she went over to the abandoned apartment building and was surprised to see that all the windows were boarded up so no light would enter into the building. Ash quickly went into the building and her eyes widened in surprise as she saw that the floors, walls and ceilings were cleaned up. There was no mold and dirt to be seen, all the furnishings were removed as Ash walked through the building in surprise about how much they had done in one night. She reached the sixth floor to see that Orion, Layla and Lila were laying on the floor in exhaustion as they breathed heavily.

Layla said in exhaustion, “All done… now you and Link can go bring the others here.”

Link asked from behind Ash as he stood behind her, “Are you ready Ash?”

Ash replied as she turned around to face Link, “As ready as I'll ever be but we are going to have to wait until nightfall to do this.”

Orion asked, “Do you have a way to bring them here?”

Ash quickly replied as she turned to face Orion, “Yes, I have rented out a large semi that is used to transport bottled coca cola but we will have to park the semi outside of the woods when we do this.”

Link sighed as he said, “Alright, here is what we are going to do, you are going to go ahead of me with the semi and wait there until sun down. I will meet you there when the sun goes down.”

Ash nodded her head in understanding as she said, “Alright, I better get going then.”

She quickly walked down to the main floor and out of the building, she kept walking until she reached a parking lot filled with semi trucks. There was a building with a sign that read Semi Rentals that sat next to the parking lot and Ash quickly went into the main entrance of the building. There was a young man that sat at the wooden front desk that sat a few inches from the wall as it pointed away from the wall. The young man looked to be african american with black hair, he wore light blue jeans and light blue shirt with a tag that read Timmy.

Ash quickly walked up to the desk and said with a smile, “Hi.”

Timmy smiled as he asked, “How can I help you?”

Ash replied, “I am here to pick up the coca cola semi that I rented out for twenty four hours.”

Timmy quickly got onto the computer that sat in front of him and started to type something into the computer quickly. 

Jimmy smiled as he said, “Here we are Mis. Ash, it looks like you have already paid so I just need to give you some keys to the semi.”

Ash watched as he reached under the desk and pulled out a set of keys, he quickly handed it over to Ash quickly.

She slowly grabbed the set of keys from Timmy and asked, “Thanks, can you show me what semi it is?”

Timmy smiled as he replied, “Sure, follow me.”

Ash followed Timmy out of the building and into the parking lot, they quickly walked over to the largest semi. 

Ash quickly said as she watched Timmy walk away, “Thanks.”

Timmy waved his hand as he said, “No problem.”

Ash quickly climbed into the semi and started the vehicle up, the semi roared to life instantly. She quickly put the semi into drive and drove towards the woods slowly so she would not tip the semi over. Three hours later, the sun slowly started to set and Ash sat in the semi silently as she waited for Link to appear.

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