Chapter 7

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I am going to go get the surgery tomorrow, everyone is safe and sound but they will have to survive without me until I am fully healed.  There is a chance that I might not make it, there is a fifty, fifty chance that I will or will not make it.

Ash quickly got dressed with a white shirt with blue jeans with the same belt that she wore the last time and she quickly got onto her phone. She quickly called the hospital and waited for someone to pick up the phone as it started to ring a few times.

Suddenly a woman picked up the phone and asked, “Hello this is the surgical hospital, how can I help you.”

Ash replied, “My name is Ash J. Mist, I am calling to make an appointment for the surgery that I need.”

The woman quickly said, “Hang on a second, let me transfer you to Dr. J.”

She wanted as she was being transferred to her doctor and a few minutes later she heard Dr. J as he said, “Hello Ash, I was told you are ready to be put on the transplant list.”

Ash sighed as she said, “Yeah, that is correct. I have the money to do it too.”

Dr. J quickly said, “Alright, come today, we will get a new kidney ready for you.”

Ash quickly hung up the phone and ran to her car, she drove over to the surgical hospital as fast as she could without breaking any traffic laws. Once she reached the hospital she parked her car in the parking lot before heading inside. Ash quickly walked up to the front desk where a young woman was sitting as she looked over at Ash. The woman had white skin and red hair that went down to her shoulders. She wore a lab coat over her red dress that sparkled in the light and the woman smiled as she looked at Ash.

The woman asked, “Hello, how can I help you?”

Ash replied, “I am here for an appointment for Ash Mist.”

The woman quickly started typing on the computer and quickly stopped as she said “Here we are, let me call the doctor and he will escort you to the surgical wing so you can get ready.”

Ash watched as the woman grabbed the phone and dialed a few numbers, she quickly waited for the doctor to answer. After a few minutes she had hung up the phone as she turned to face Ash with a smile and was about to say something but stopped when the doctor quickly walked through the double doors. The doctor had pale whit skin with short black hair, she wore a lab coat over his whit shirt and black pants. 

Ash quickly asked, “Dr. J I presume?”

Dr. J quickly replied, “You presume right, follow me.”

Ash followed the doctor through the double doors and down the long hallway to a small hospital room. There was a medical bed with a small wooden table that sat next to it, a TV that was connected to the wall on the opposite end of the bed, a set of open curtains and two small chairs in the two corners of the room.

Dr. J quickly said as he walked over to a closet in the corner, “You will need to put these on in order for us to do the surgery.”

Ash watched as Dr. J opened the closet door and pulled out a hospital gown, he quickly handed the gown over to Ash before leaving the room. She quickly got undressed as she put on the hospital gown and waited for the doctor to return. Ten minutes later, Dr. J returned and she followed him to the surgical word. She quickly laid down onto the bed as one of the doctors put a mask on her face and gave her the necessary drugs into her system. Once Ash was knocked out, the surgical doctors got started on doing surgery where  one of her kidneys that had cancer would be. Once they removed the kidney that appeared to be dark and had a large bulge that stuck out from the side, they started putting the new kidney into her slowly. Five hours later, they finished with the surgery and took her into her bedroom to rest. Ash slept peacefully as the doctors started an Iv drip into her veins and she continued to sleep so her body could heal.

The next day, Ash slowly woke up to a doctor checking her vitals and the woman smiled as she said, “You're awake, I will go get the doctor.”

The young woman had light brown skin and black hair that went down to her shoulders, she wore the same thing that all the other doctors wore. Ash watched as the woman left but quickly returned with Dr. J by her side and he smiled as he saw that Ash was wide awake.

Ash asked, “How did the surgery go?”

Dr. J quickly replied, “It went really well and it seems like you are healing well.”

Ash smiled as she asked, “How long until I can leave the hospital?”

Dr. J quickly replied, “We are going to have to keep you here for at least a week and go from there.”

Ash sighed as she asked, “Can I make a phone call?”

Dr. J pointed at the phone that sat on the wooden table that sat next to her bed. Ash watched as she watched Dr. J walked out of the room and she quickly picked up the phone. 

Ash quickly called the captain and when he picked up she said, “Hey, I am going to be in the hospital for a while.”

The captain quickly said, “I see, take your time Ash and get better.”

Ash quickly hung up the phone before she got ready to rest and soon she fell asleep from exhaustion as her body slowly started to heal itself.

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