Chapter 15

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I don't know what happened to Zayn or Link, I haven't seen them for six weeks and I am getting worried. My stomach is back to normal and the babies are growing strong but I havent come up with a name for them yet.

Ash silently snuck up to the top of the stairs and quickly stopped at the top of the fourth floor stairs as she heard a familiar voice.

Luke asked in frustration, “You two made a mess, what are you going to tell Ash.”

The gargoyle that saved Ash and her children the other night sighed as he replied, “I wont tell her unless I have to Luke. I was hoping that there was a way to separate us and that you knew a way.”

“I would separate you two if I could but the books say that this is permanent. Look, Zayn, Link whoever you are right now. The least you can do is tell Ash what is going on. It has been six weeks already, Ash wont eat, she wont sleep and she refuses to name her kids without Zayn.” Luke said as he sighed in frustration.

Ash slowly backed away and the floorboards started to creak as she backed away, she quickly stopped as Luke asked, “What was that?”

“Mouse maybe or the floorboards are shifting.” The gargoyle said nonchalantly. 

Luke sighed as he said, “Alright, just please, I am begging you both. Talk to Ash even if you are not going to tell her about your… condition. I will keep looking.”

“Alright.” Said the gargoyle in a defeated voice.

Ash quickly snuck back up the stairs to her bedroom to see that her babies were still sound asleep in their basket filled with pillows. She passed from one end of the room to the other end of the room as she tried to wrap her head around what she just heard.

Suddenly, Ash’s door opened and the gargoyle that was talking to Luke poked his head through the door with a slight smile. Ash quickly stopped pacing as she faced him with a forced smile on and she fidgeted with her fingers frantically.

The gargoyle asked, “Can I come in?”

Ash slowly replied, “Um…Yeah, come on in.”

The gargoyle came into the room and shut the door behind him as he walked into the room, Ash slowly walked over to her bed.

Ash sat down onto the bed as the gargoyle sat in front of her with a concerned look on his face as he asked, “You heard what me and Luke were talking about?”

Ash slowly nodded her head once as she looked at the ground while holding back the urge to cry.

There was a long moment of silence before the gargoyle sighed as he said, “I better give you an explanation then.” He quickly walked over to the bed and sat down as he continued, “There is a spell that lets two gargoyles combine into one if they have the same feelings for one child.”

Ash asked, “And that is what you and Link did.”

The gargoyle nodded his head as he looked at the ground with a sigh as Ash looked over at him for a second before returning her gaze to the ground.

Ash asked, “So, what should I call you now that you and Link are one now?”

There was a long moment of silence before he replied, “I guess you can call me Layne.”

Ash smiled as she looked at Layne and asked, “Alrigt, should we get remarried?”

Layne smiled as he replied as he looked over at Ash, “We can if you want.”

“Will we be safe from Joff and the others?” Ash asked with concern. 

Layne instantly replied, “They won’t bother us, they know that if they attack me then they’ll lose. I am far stronger than any regular gargoyle, it would be suisde if they did try anything.”

Ash nodded her head in understanding as she said while hugging Layne, “We are safe now.”

Layne hugged Ash back as he said, “Yes and I won't let anything happen to you and our children, speaking of which. Did you come up with any names for them?”

Ash smiled as she said, “I was thinking we would name our boy Zayn or Link.”

Layne smiled as he said, “Then we could have another baby boy and name him Zayn.”

Ash chuckled as she said, “Exactly, for our baby girl we can name her Rien.”

“Alright, Link and Rien it is.” Layn said with a smile as he kissed Ash on his lips with a smile.

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