Chapter 5

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I wish that I was stronger but I am not when it comes to gargoyles but when it comes to humans I am very resourceful and can understand them on a certain level. I hope the others aren't mad at me for choosing to help one of the other gargoyles.

The next day, Ash woke up to the sound of banging as one of the human prisoners banged on the iron cell bars that were connected to each other. The guard had dark white skin and short brown hair, he wore rags that looked like they hadn’t been washed in weeks. He carried a bucket filled with some kind of food. Ash realized that there were small bowles that sat in front of the cage. 

The man quickly said as he took the small cup and she dumped the food into the bowl, “Here is your grub.”

The prisoner continued on and Lidean quickly grabbed two of the bowls before she went back to where she was. Ash slowly grabbed the last remaining bowl to see a light gray subsistence that sat in the bowl. She slowly looked at Lidea with a confused look as she wondered what kind of food she was looking at.

Ash asked, “Um… What kind of food is this?”

Z sighed as he replied, “You never saw porridge before, that is all that they feed us every meal of every day.”

Ash slowly put the bowl up to her mouth and she slowly drank the porridge until there was nothing left in the bowl. She then placed the bowl down onto the ground as she looked out of the cage that she sat in with a somber look. 

Suddenly, Link walked over to the cage with an apologetic as he said sternly, “Alright Ash, open the cage. It is time for you to learn how to take care of our people.”

Ash sighed as she got up off of the ground and stood in front of the cage as she slowly opened the iron doors. Link quickly stepped to the side of the cage as Ash slowly walked out of the cage while shutting the door behind her.

Link quickly said in an unknown language, “Seal and Lock.”

They slowly walked down the hallway until they reached the staircase, they quickly walked up the long stairs and into the large throne room behind the throne. Link pushed Ash as she slowly walked around the throne to the front to see that Joff was sitting on the throne silently as he watched them kneel to the ground slowly.

Joff quickly said, “I have decided to trane this one on my own.”

Link winced as he said, “Understood sir.”

Joff quickly said, “You may leave Link.”

Ash watched as Link quickly walked out of the room and once she heard the doors shut she looked over at Joff but kept her head down. 

Joff stared at her intently as he was silent at first but he quickly asked, “Ash was your name right?”

Ash slowly replied, “Yes sir, that is correct.”

Joff smiled as she said, “It is time for you to work, get up.”

Ash slowly got up off the ground and they slowly walked over to a separate set of stairs that seemed to lead deeper underground.

Ash asked, “Can I ask you something?”

Joff sighed as he replied, “You can ask me two one question and that is it.”

Ash asked, “Why do you hate humans?”

Joff replied, “Humans killed my family but that is a story for another time.”

Ash was silent as they reached the bottom of the long staircase and they quickly walked through a set of wooden doors that led into a small room that looked to be a children's room. There were a set of small, white pillars that went into a circle around the room and there were three children sitting in the middle of the room. The tallest child looked like an ordinary human child but he had a long tail with an arrow head at the end of the tail, he also had dark brown skin with short blond hair. The second tallest child had white skin with short light brown hair that went down to the center of her back and she had what appeared to be small gargoyles wings. She wore a small bracelet made of gold with a moonstone at the center of the bracelet on both sides. The smallest child had light brown skin and red hair that went down to her shoulders and she had a small tail with an arrow head at the end of her tail, they all had a scared look on their face as they wore what appeared to be a white gown that went down to their knees as they sat on the ground huddled together. 

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