Chapter 11

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It has been three and a half weeks and I think I gained some weight and that is not one of the things that I wanted but it can't be helped. I am now the chief of the police station since they found him mutilated and closed the case because they thought that he shot himself in the head with his own gun. They also think that the animals got to him and they did so death is hard for them to determon.

Ash sighed as she sat in her office and was surprised to smell pizza but there was no pizza to be seen but suddenly one of the police officers came into her office with a small box of pizza. A confused look came across Ash’s face as she wondered to herself in her head, there is no way I could smell that from my office when he was down stairs in the lobby.

Ash asked, “What is this Lime?”

Lime smiled as he replied, “I noticed that your appetite has grown and I thought I might as well give you something to eat.”

Ash smiled as she said, “Thanks Lime but if I eat this then I will gain more weight.”

“What is the harm in gaining a little weight?” Lime asked with a smile.

Ash sighed with a smile, “Alright, just this once.”

Lime smiled as Ash took the small pizza box and opened the box to see a small, pepperoni pizza with black olive. Ash quickly ate the whole pizza with a satisfied smile and sat back with a smile.Lime quickly left the room while Ash continued on with her day, once Ash was finished with work and slowly stood up from her desk.

Ash quickly said in pain, “Oh.”

She suddenly had a large cramp and quickly walked the cramp off as she walked out of the police station. Ash sighed as she walked home since her car was in the shop but she wanted to make a stop at the abandoned apartment complex by her old apartment. Three hours later, Ash reached the apartment building and walked into the building after she climbed over the fence. Layla smiled as she sat on the ground and was playing with Lila on the ground.

Link walked into the room and said in surprise, “Ash.”

Ash smiled as she said, “Hey Link, I wanted to make sure you were doing alright.”

Orian quickly said as he walked into the room next to Link, “Hey Ash, we already found everyone a safe place.”

Ash smiled as she asked, “Can I make a quick phone call from my phone, it will only be for a second?”

Link smiled as he replied, “Go on ahead.”

Ash smiled as she pulled out her phone from her packet and called her house phone and waited for Zayn to answer the phone. 

 The phone rang three times and Zayn quickly answered the phone as he asked, “Hey Ash, what is going on?”

Ash sighed as she asked, “Would you mind if a gargoyle with three kids moved into the building?”

There was a long moment of silence before Zayn replied, “I wouldn’t mind as long as they dont cause problems and don’t live on the same floor as us.”

Ash instantly said, “Of course, that is no problem.”

There was a long moment of silence before Zayn sighed as he said, “Alright, they can move in.”

Ash instantly hung up the phone as she turned to face the others as she asked, “This place is going to be demolished tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to stay at my place.”

Orian quickly replied, “No offense but I don’t think your apartment is big enough for all of us.”

Ash instantly said, “Oh no, I moved out of my apartment and now I am living in an abandoned church with some gargoyles.”

Layla quickly said with a smile as she and Lila stood up from sitting on the ground, “I think we should do it. We have no were else to go and like she said, this place is going to be demolished tomorrow.”

Lila quickly said, “I am going with Layla.

Link looked at Orion and was surprised to see him nod his head yes as if he was telling him to do it.

Link sighed as he said while looking into Ash’s eyes, “We have nothing to bring with us so show us to our new home.”

They quickly walked over to the church and were surprised to see Zayn waiting for them outside. Ash smiled as she walked up to Zayn and  hugged him before giving him a small kiss on the lips while the others stood a few feet away from them.

Ash smiled as she turned to face them and said, “A lot has happened since I moved. We are a couple right now but we haven't decided when the wedding is yet.”

Layla smiled as she said, “We understand and your life is your life. We won't try to control your decisions no matter what they are.”

Ash smiled as she said, “Well, let's get you settled in and then we can go to bed.”

Everyone smiled and four hours later, everyone was settled into their rooms. Lila, Layala, Orion and Link instantly went to bed in exhaustion while the others quickly went to bed as well. Ash and Zayn sat on the bed next to each other as there was a sudden sound that came from Ash’s stomach that filled the room for a second as if her stomach was upset.

Zayn asked, “Are you alright Ash?”

Ash sighed as she replied, “I think so, it’s nothing.”

Zayn said with concern, “It doesn't sound like nothing, Ash please tell me what is going on.”

There was a long moment of silence as her stomach made another loud growling sound but it was even louder and Ash sighed as she said, “I wish I knew Zayn, I have been feeling more hungry than usual and I have been eating a lot.”

Zayn asked, “Can I make you something to eat so your stomach isn’t so upset anymore.”

Ash smiled as she said, “Alright.”

She watched as Zayn quickly went up stairs and two hours later, he returned as he balanced five plates filled with different foods. There was a plate in both of his hands along with one more plat being balanced in the center of his arms and one on his head

Ash chuckled as she said as she watched Zayn carefully place the plates on the counter, “There is no way I can eat all of this.”

Zayn smiled as he said, “Don’t worry Ash, just eat as much as you can.”

Ash quickly grabbed one of the plates while Zayn sat down next to her and Ash was surprised to see what was sitting on her plate. There was a blueberry omelet with bacon, blueberries, potatoes, cheese and egg inside, there was some kind of blue sace that covered the omlet. Ash quickly picked up the fork that sat on the plate and started eating her food, soon she was finished eating her first dish. She then moved on to her next plate that had a bean, cheese and ground beef burrito with the same blue subsidence as her last dish drizzled over the burrito. Ash quickly ate the burrito and grabbed the third plate off of the dresser and was surprised to see that there were blueberry pancakes on her plate with blueberry syrup drenching the pancakes. Zayn smiled as she scarfed the pancakes down and grabbed the fourth plate with cheeseburger with fries, Ash instantly ate everything that was on her plate as she stacked her dirty dishes onto the dresser before she grabbed the last dish with a groan as she felt like she couldn’t eat anymore. Ash sighed as she scarfed the twenty eight, blueberry oatmeal cookies down quickly until there was nothing left and placed her plait on top of the other dishes as they quickly fell asleep in exhaustion.

The next night Ash walked out of the bathroom as she said to Zayn, “I am late.”

Zayn asked in confusion, “What do you mean you are late? Lat on what or for what?”

Ash sighed as she replied, “My peareude Zayn, I should have started a week ago but I haven't. I think I am going to go to the doctors and see what is going on.”

Zayn sighed as she said, “Alright but wait until tomorrow morning and see what happens.”

Ash smiled as she said, “Alright, I am going to bed.”

Zayn nodded as Ash crawled into bed and fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

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