Chapter 10

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I don’t feel right but I can't explain it but I have this strange feeling that there is something growing inside of me but I couldn’t be pregnant, not like this.

Ash slowly woke up to the feeling of nausea filling her body and she quickly ran into the bathroom as quickly as she could. Once Ash reached the bathroom, she flew open the toilet lid and threw up into the toilet repeatedly until there was nothing left in her body.

Ash sighed as she said to herself, “It will be alright, it is just a bug, nothing more and nothing less. There is no way that what Zayn said could be true.”

She gagged with disgust as the feeling of nausea slowly disappeared and Ash sighed in relief as she rested her head on the toilet seat. Three hours later, Ash was dressed in her police uniform and quickly went to work. The captain called Ash into her office as soon as she got into the police station and smiled as she walked into his office.

The caption sighed as he asked, “I just got an Email from your doctor about your cancer, is there something you want to tell me?”

Ash replied as she looked at the ground, “I had kidney cancer but not any more.”

The captain asked, “Alright, you got the surgery so how are you feeling?”

Ash replied, “I am feeling a whole lot better and I am not in pain anymore.”

The captain asked, “Do you still blame yourself for John's death?”

Ash sighed as she looked up at the captain through tears as she replied, “If I just took that day off then he would still be alive right now.”

The captain sighed as he said, “Ash, it was not your fault even if you did take that day off I think it would have happened. You need to forgive yourself in order for him to move on Ash, John can not move on unless you forgive yourself.”

Ash smiled as she said, “Alright.”

The captain asked, “Me and a few friends are going on a hunt tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come with us? I was wondering if you finished reading all those books too?”

Ash smiled as she replied, “I have never hunted before but I am willing to learn and yes I have read everything in those boxes.

The captain smiled as he said, “Alright, I will see you then and get to work.”

Ten hours later, Ash quickly ran home and changed into some nex camoflash clothes as quickly as she could. She quickly put on a small pair of camoflash shorts and a camoflash shirt with straps; she also wore camouflage boots before she left to meet up with the captain. Ash waited outside of the police station as a small green van pulled up with the captain sitting in the driver's seat, the passenger seat was empty and Ash sighed as she got into the van with what appeared to be a quiver that held her arrows along with a camoflash bow.

The captain asked as Ash shut the door once she was in the car and he quickly drove away, “So, do you know how to use that bow?”

Ash replied as she smiled, “I need a little practice but yes I do know how to use  the bow.”

The rest of the drive to the woods were silent and once they reached the woods everyone got out of the van quickly. Ash was surprised that there were only two of the captain's friends with them as everyone grabbed their weapons in hand. Ash had a bow and a quiver that held her arrows as it sat on her back while the captain had a sniper rifle that sat on his back. One of the captain's friends had short blue hair and pale whit skin as he wore overalls with the straps going over his whit shirt. The other guy had dark brown skin with brown hair and wore the same thing as the other guy. Ash was silent as they walked through the woods silently and occasionally accidentally snapping some twigs accidentally as they walked on them or crunching some dead leaves that laid on the ground.

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