Chapter 12

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It has been two weeks and the doctor could not find anything wrong with me, he thought I might have been pregnant but the test came back negative and I gained more weight. I am going to have to take a vacation day until I figure this out.

Ash paced back and forth as she stared at her stomach that looked like she had a small watermelon in her stomach and a wave of nausea filled her instantly as she waited for the sun to set.

Once the sun had set, Zayn walked into Ash’s room and said in surprise as he saw her stomach, “Wow.”

Ash sighed as she said, “I think I might be pregnant but all the tests were negative.”

Zayn sighed as he asked while placing his left hand on her stomach carefully, “Are you sure Ash?”

Ash replied, “I don’t know, my stomach is growing and I am having all the symptoms but if I was pregnant then the test would have come back positive.”

Zayn smiled as he said, “Everything will be fine, this has never happened before so I am sure there will be some resistance from Joff but if you want we can remove this child.”

Ash was silent as she looked at her stomach and sighed as she looked at Zayn as she said, “I want to have this child.”

Zayn smiled as he said before kissing her on the lips, “I knew you would.”

They instantly kissed with delight and passion but quickly pulled away with a smile as Ash asked, “So, what do gargoyles eat?”

Zayn replied, “Well, we mostly eat blueberries and meat.”

Ash smiled as she asked, “Well, can I have some, I am really hungry.”

Zayn smiled as he watched Ash put her hands over his and replied, “Alright, I assume you will most likely need a lot to eat so I will continue making you five dishes to eat.”

Ash smiled as Zayn pulled his hand away and went to make some food. Lila came into Ash’s room with a smile as she saw her without her shirt, her eyes drifted to her stomach.

Lila asked, “Are you with child?”

Ash quickly turned to face Lila as she replied, “Yeah, I am.”

Layla quickly came into the room with Link following close behind and asked, “How far along?”

There was a long moment of silence as Ash thought about how far along she was and replied, “I think I am a month and one week along or five weeks.”

Link asked, “Was it forced Ash, what I mean was were you… raped?”

Ash instantly replied, “No, no, no. It was consensual with me and Zayn.”

Link sighed in relief as he said, “Oh, thank god.”

Zayn returned with five plates filled with food and Ash quickly scarfed down her food until there was nothing left. A sudden thought entered Ash’s head as she sat down on her bed. Ash wondered to herself in her head what am I going to do now that I took a long vacation for ten months?

Ash asked, “Should I go to the doctors for a monthly checkup or what?”

Link quickly said, “I have a doctor's degree with humans and gargoyles so if you don’t mind I could be your doctor. I dont think a human doctor can do anything about this.”

Ash looked at her stomach as she said, “Thank’s Link, yes I would like you to be my doctor.”

Everyone quickly went to bed as exhaustion filled them and Ash laid down on her side.

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