Chapter 13

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They say you don't know what you have growing inside of you until you give life to a child but that is not right. Even when there is a child growing inside of you, you know how special they are even after they are born but the bonnede between you and your child  grows even stronger.

Days turned into months as they passed by and every passing month Ash’s stomach grew even bigger in size, her appetite also grew as well. She was now eating three plates of food instead of five, Link checked up on Ash every week to see how she was feeling.

Link asked as Ash sat on the bed, “Any new symptoms?”

Ash sighed as she replied, “I had heartburn a little bit ago but I dont any more. I am feeling a little dizzy but other than that I am fine.” 

Link smiled as he said, “It is hard to believe you are five months pregnant. Time sure does pass quickly.”

Ash watched as Link touched her stomach and she hissed for a second as soon as her stomach touched her stomach. She was surprised to see that her stomach could no longer be curved by her regular shirt anymore and her pants barely held her stomach anymore.

Link asked, “Did I hurt you?”

“No, your hand just tickled me, that's all.” Ash said as she looked at Link.”

Ash sakde, “Are all the windows sealed up? Is that why you are still awake?”

Link smiled as he replied while pulling out his stethoscope from one of his pockets, “Yes, as long as the sun doesn't touch our skin then then we can stay awake for eternity but if the sun does touch our skin then we go to sleep as you have seen with the others.”

Ash sighed as Link placed the diaphragm onto the side of her stomach and listened carefully for her heartbeat. Link sighed as he removed the diaphragm from her stomach and placed the stethoscope onto Ash’s bed.

A concerned look came across Link's face and Ash asked, “Is everything alright?”

Link replied, “There seems to be a lot of movement in your stomach but nothing to be concerned about. I would just keep an eye out for anything suspicious or strange and let me know so I can check you out.”

Ash chuckled as she said, “Alright, alright. I will do that.”

Lila came running to the room and asked, “Ash, are you going to go out shopping again?”

“She is a half gargoyle, half human so if she does ask if she can go with you then it's fine.” Link said before leaving the room.

Ash asked, “Is that why you came up here, you wanted to go out with me?”

Lila smiled as she replied, “I wanted to make sure you were alright too but I also wanted to go with you to keep you safe.”

Ash smiled as she asked, “Well, before we go I need to find some clothes and was wondering if you wanted to help me.”

Lila replied with delight, “Yes, yes I would.”

They quickly went through ten different clothes and then they finally found a dress that was perfect for Ash. Ash wore a dark blue dress with green polka dates and blue sandals with straps.

Ash asked, “Un… is there a way to hide those wings and tail of yours?”

Lila smiled as she replied, “Um… hang on a second.”

Suddenly, Lilas wings and tail disappeared out of thin air, she looked like an ordinary little girl.

Ash quickly said, “We better change you out of those clothes if we don’t want to stick out.”

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