chapter 3

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I have read everything that was in the boxes that the captain gave me and most of it has to do with mythical gargoyles which is strange since my parents weren't into that kind of stuff, I don’t even know what to think.

The next day, Ash got a call from the captain and she quickly answered her phone as fast as she could.

The captain asked, “Ash?”

Ash replied, “Hey captain, I finished reading everything from those boxes.”

The captain quickly said, “Good, we need you to work on some case files and do some runs.”

Ash smiled with delight as she said, “I will be right over.”

She quickly got ready and went to work, once she was done it had already gotten dark out. Ash smiled like a schoolgirl as she walked out of the police station and hopped into her car with a smile.

Ash said to herself, “Alright, time to go back to the church. God I never thought I would hear myself say that.”

She quickly drove over to the church that her partner had died at and parked her car on the side of the sidewalk before turning off the engine. Ash instantly noticed that the gargoyle statues were gone again but they were there the morning when she drove by the building.

Ash asked more to herself in confusion, “Ok that is not possible, what the hell is going on here?”

She sighed as she got out of the car to see that the fence was no longer chained and Ash sighed as she went inside the building. Once she reached the third floor, she could hear voices from the fourth floor that were a low whisper but she could hear what they were saying as the voices echoed off of the stairwell. Ash slowly continued up the stairs until she reached the top of the stairs that led to a large brown set of doors that were closed.

One of the voices said in a low hushed tone and seemed to be a female voice, “He was keeping the human girl safe. We don’t know if she is a hunter or not.”

A Male voice quickly said, “She has come here twice now Rose, what if she sees us?” what then, I don’t know about you but I don’t want to be here when that happens.”

Suddenly there was a sharp pain in Ash’s side where her cancer was and she gripped her side with one hand while covering her mouth with her free hand so she wouldn’t make any noise.

Rose sighed as she said, “Maybe she is a good human, you heard what one of the others said. He talked to him and was nice to him.” 

Ash couldn’t hold the pain in any longer and she collapsed to the ground in pain as her vision grew hazy as her eyes started to close.

The Male voice asked, “What was that?”

Ash could hear heavy footsteps walking towards her and the hives squealed as they rubbed against each other as the door slowly opened. Ash felt a set of strong arms pick her up off of the ground and carried her somewhere but she didn’t know where since her eyes were closed and she could not open her eyes no matter how hard she tried.

Ash said in pain and in a low hushed whisper, “M-My…my meds. They are in my pocket.”

Suddenly, she passed out from the pain as she felt something soft under her as if the person that was carrying her had put her down onto a couch of some sort. Three days later, Ash slowly woke up to the sound of crickets chirping and by the sound of it they were coming from outside while she was inside. Ash tried to open her eyes but couldn’t but she quickly realized that her eyes were bandaged so she could not see even if she tried.

Rose quickly said, “ Good, you are awake. We were worried there for a minute that you weren't going to make it.”

Ash asked, “Where am I?”

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