44 - Toph x Enemy!Reader

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Brain go blonk, writers block hit like a fucking freight train

Prompt: Can you do one where the reader is part of Azulas team and toph and her fall in love?
By: vV_VintageBear_Vv

"Ow Fu-" I held my tongue out of habit, Azula hated swearing and deemed it 'unladly-like'. Sometimes I forgot she was actually a princess and everything. "Do you think you could be a little more gentle, you did kind of sprain my ankle when you captured me after all." Who knows maybe it was even broken.

"Yeah why do you think I'm taking you to our camp? Besides it's not exactly like I can see where I'm going." She waved a hand over her face as she helped me limp through the forest.

"I've seen the way you fight, I'm pretty sure you took the rough path on purpose." I rolled my eyes.

"Toph, what are you doing with her?" The clearing came into view and the group ran towards us.

"I might've accidentally sprained her ankle," she said.

"So you brought her to our camp? What if she showed Azula how to get here?"

"She's not going to be able to leave for the rest of the day so we can just let her go tomorrow morning and then leave." Toph shrugged, passing my arm over to Katara who helped me sit down by the fire. "Problem solved."

"Problem not solved," Sokka said.

I hissed in pain as Kataras water made contact with the bruised skin. "Yeah trust me, I don't want to be here as much as you don't want me to either."

"How do we know this isn't a trap?"

"Her ankles the size of an apple right now, Sokka, I don't think she could fake that," Katara said.

"Yeah, plus aren't you guys supposedly the good guys? It would be absolutely horrible for you to leave me here alone, defenseless, and injured because I'm supposedly the bad guy, I mean that would in fact make you, the good guys-"

"Yeah okay I get it whatever, you're right, it'd be wrong of us to leave you like this. You're fine, for now." Sokka motioned his fingers between his eyes and myself, "but I'm watching you." The weird flying monkey they had mimicked him and chirped at me.

"Ignore him, he's just a little overprotective," Katara said. She began to wrap my ankle up securely with a piece of cloth. "You should stay off your foot for now, it's healed but it's best if you let it rest."

"Uh... Thanks." This whole ordeal was a little awkward, especially considering I had been fighting them for the past month or so.

"Anyway, since Toph sprained your ankle she can be the one to keep an eye on you for the rest of the night." Katara looked over at the girl and smiled sarcastically. Toph sighed in response.

She slowly helped me limp over to a shaded spot, a bit farther away from the fire since Katara was starting to cook something. I sat down on top of the cool grass, taking a deep, relaxing breath.

"Sorry again about your foot," she said after a moment of silence.

I shrugged. "Eh, it's fine, could be worse, could be gone." I paused for a second. "Sorry, I kind of have a bad habit of saying stupid things-"

Toph waved it off, just barely smiling, "no, no it's fine, it was funny, actually."

"Well, I grew up with Azula so, one of us had to learn how to tell jokes."

"Dinner!" Katara yelled out, holding a ladle and bowl in her hands.

I began standing up but Toph held out her hand. "You wait here I'll grab it." Before I could say anything she walked off, after a minute she came back with two bowls of some sort of stew in her hands. I grabbed one of the bowls and we ate in silence, watching the sun set past the treeline. Well, I was a watching.

"Do you actually believe in what the Fire Nation is doing?" Toph suddenly asked, setting her bowl to the side.

That was a weird question. "I mean... I'm literally from the Fire Nation. I'm actively working against you guys." I thought about it for a second though. "Honestly... No, actually. With how long I've been traveling with Azula and everything I've seen, I don't believe in what the Fire Nation thinks it's doing."

"What about Azula?"

"What about Azula?" I repeated, perplexed.

"Do you believe in her?"

I set my empty bowl to the side, wiping my hands down on the grass. "Well, I've known her my whole life, she's been my friend for about as long as I can remember-"

"But do you believe in her?" She asked again.

... Did I?

The sun woke me up, shining directly on my face as it rose. I sat up, flexing my ankle as I removed the bandages, it felt better already. I carefully stood up on my own and put some pressure on it. Completely painless.

I thought about what Toph said last night. Did I even believe in Azula? We all followed her unquestioningly, went through with every plan which ultimately succeeded. But why?

"How's your ankle feeling?" Aang asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, great, give my thanks to Katara again when you get a chance." I didn't really have a chance to talk to the Avatar last night. Not that there was anything to talk about. "Anyway uh, whenever you guys are ready to go I'll be on my way too I guess." God I can never tell Azula this happened, I have to start making up my lie now.

Aang and I said goodbye and he began packing up the camp, along with helping Katara wake up Sokka. "Leaving already?" Toph asked, walking up behind me. "You were only our prisoner for one night."

"You're right, those are rookie numbers," I joked. I walked her back towards the camp, awkwardly standing to the side as they cleaned up and got ready to leave.

"Wait," Toph said, just before her earth platform reached the top. She turned to me. "Come with us," she said, reaching out her hand.


"Come on, what's the alternative, going back to the Fire Nation, back to Azula? You never answered me last night, do you really believe in her?"

Maybe I don't.

I reached out and grabbed her hand.

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