Chapter 6

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"Partnering up with William Smith's isn't entirely a great idea" Jason Odeen suggested.

Been at this decision making of supporting a certain human invest in his business.
All I'm really after is the architectural contract. Need something to keep me busy from all that my head's dealing with rn

Liv sat across
And I wonder why she has been staring
Not looking at her will do me good, I looked at everything but her
How could she possibly tell me to inform if I'm coming over! How many times has she barged in on me when those ladies are at my place, never for one day have I complained, but the one time I come into her home, I'm asked to call first. What a friend she is

I really don't know why I keep coming back to this damn place, only to get heartbroken over and over.
The next time I leave this darn place, I won't return
It's time I finally settle down with my life and stop being hopeful for something that'd never happen, find someone who sees me for me and not as some friend you call when you're in need

"Christopher?" Eric, one of the board members snapped me out of my thoughts
"Yeah?" I asked looking puzzled
"We all want to know your take" I asked looking at Olivia with every single members eyes on me now.
How would I know what my take is, when I wasnt even paying attention

"What Mr. Rice is trying to say is, we can't invest in this business. Or I'd rather say, I can't invest in this business. I'm really positive having Mr Rice plan the structure of this building is the best idea you've had in a while and he's good at his job, but having me invest in this business. It's not happening "

"And why's that?" Eric asked shifting his gaze from me to her

"The capital doesn't look promising, and I can't invest in something that may crush in let's say two to three years. I strongly believe, if you want me to partner or become a major shareholder to this company, you'd need a better strategy. I can only help out when I've seen progress" She stated curtly

"And what makes you think the business will fail soon?" Thomas, another idiotic vertebrae I've met and who so happens to be in this meeting asked

"You wouldn't know half of anything seeing you do nothing but ask stupid questions. Did you even take a look at the charts before you? The statistics?" She replied

"You have no right to speak to me in that tone woman" he half yelled

"I have every right to speak to you as I please, If you want to waste your money, go ahead, it's like not you have that much" She rolled her eyes, packing up her stuffs

This woman and rolling her eyes

"The business world isn't a place for people like you, go home with that colour of yours and suck a man's dick. That's if any man would want a black woman near his cock." Quite a few of them broke into a pit of laughter

My eyes still fixed on Olivia
She's fidgeting. Meaning the wheels in her head are spinning

"While you're here being racist and shit, why don't you go home to your wife? or the maids you're screwing? or even the model we both happened to have had a taste of" I stated blankly, everyone quiet "Or since you like talking down on people and their colour. I hope you wouldn't mind of I call your wife right now and let her know which one of your maids you're sleeping with" I brought out my phone

"You wouldn't dare you punk" he sneered

"Oh now I'm a punk?"
What a shameless man

"You don't have to go that far Christopher" Eric said pleading
I got up packing my stuff as well

"This meeting is over Eric" I pushed the chair back a little "And the next time I'm meeting with you, I don't want to see this man. My partner and I hates such embarrassments" I said motioning for Liv to meet me outside.

I got in starting the car and letting it steam for a while

"You did not have to speak up for me. I can handle myself" she said the moment she got in shutting the door

"oh you're welcome" hinting every bit of sarcasm

"Oh stop with the crap, what will they think of me now, that I can't handle myself? that my best friend always has to stand up for me?"

"You're so bothered about what they think of you? Atleast you heard it back there or did you want me to let him go on?" I raised my voice.

"Do not interfere in matters that do not concern you. If I needed your help I would have asked. I can handle myself all by myself. Is that why you came back? To meddle in my affairs, first it was the guy I slept with and now it's speaking up for me when I didn't ask you to" she yelled back

I remained silent
And if that's what you think of me Olivia. Fine
Once I'm done with this building project I'll be out of your life. For good

"Now you won't say anything" she said looking at me

"There's nothing to say" I half smiled

"Look at me"

"I'm driving Olivia"

"Whatever, I wish you didn't come back" She turned looking out the window

"Honestly" I took a deep breathe in "I myself wish I didn't come back" I sighed "But what do I do? I've got a company here" We both remained silent "You dont have to worry, you'll be seeing less of me" I added before a taking a turn

Rochester today sure looks busy

I took a halt right Infront of her father's company

Immediately, she got off banging the car door really hard.

My poor car, I sighed driving off

My phone ringing
"Why can't they let me be" I said to my self before flipping the phone open

"Samantha! I haven't been three days long in this country and you're already calling!"

"I'm sorry sir but you've been away for months and there's so much to be done and I had to find out about your arrival from alot of people who want to see you." She said really really fast

"And do you know why I like you my darling secretary?"

"N-no" she stuttered

"Oh come on Sam! You know how to get rid of those people. Do it and do it quick. I don't know whatever you want to tell them, but let them know I won't be coming in today. I have a contract to attend to right now. Forward all the documents to me, you can handle the none important ones and as for Rodriguez Manuel, has he sent in the blueprints?"

"Yes sir, we just received the package today"

"Good, call Paris and find out what's next. Okay?"

"Yes sir. It's good to have you back sir"

"It's not good to be back Sam, it's not good to be back at all" I hung up

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