Chapter 23

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      "Hey Chris, I know we didn't quite part on good terms and we haven't spoken in over a month or two, I know it's crazy.. You said some stuffs that I didn't even know you'd ever say to me, I actually thought you'd be the one beating the human who would dare say that to me to pulp. But I guess, you were right.. no one tells me the truth better than you do..." She paused "I know you've been busy with work, Sanders did say you guys have this building work and I'm really proud of you and I know you're not anywhere close to the phone right now, because you're probably somewhere drinking caffeine so you could stay woke and do what you're good at doing" I smiled, looking at the mug of coffee in my palms..always knowing me well Olivia "I've tried calling and it keeps going straight to voicemail, I launched a new collection last night and I was hoping to see you, but you've been busy" she laughed dryly "You're my only best human rice and I really can't do without you even if you say hurtful things to me. I hope we can sit and talk over coffee okay... Goodnight"
The line went dead

I don't know if I'm ready to face see her, what do I really want to say?.
'And may the best 6ft win' the words rang in my ear.. I can't let that egoistical bastard win, not now. Not ever
Liv has been there, for me! And I won't just let this man of a human take the woman.

Picking up my phone "Samantha.. What's my schedule for tomorrow?"

"You've got a 7am meeting with the architects with the business proposal, and another meeting at 9 with the board to finalize everything concerning the ongoing project, which Mr Sanders will be flying in tonight. And you're free until 4pm, that's when you've got to fly to California with Mr Lahaye-"

"Not really up for all that details, find a way and just squeeze in coffee with Olivia. From 10 till 4" cutting her off "You'll handle the rest of the meetings for the day, if I don't come back on seat. Email her the location and time. Goodnight Samantha"

"Goodnight sir" hanging up.. sipping the hot cup of coffee, sitting on the office couch

"I wish I could just transfer this back home" groaning as I dropped the cup of coffee on the glass table in front of me, putting my head on the arm rest as I laid down

Day 32 of falling asleep in your office

My eyes drooping shut "I really need something stronger than coffee" darkness engulfing me

I know! It's been four days or so and I release a short chapter, I apologize
Sorry for the late update! Been so busy with school and work and I'm really not finding it funny, the stress is crazy!
The next chapter would be long! Just needed to update something!
Quick question tho? What's your take? On Christopher? Is he really going too far?
But on the other hand Sanders and Olivia are going quite well, depends too
Your thoughts?
Any fluff related?
And share people
Love love love 🥺❤️

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