Chapter 16

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"You're leaving? To where exactly?"
"I'll be away for a few days, I have to be in London tonight and 72 hours from then Asia. I hope everything can be sorted out without my presence"  I asked Sanders

"Yes ma'am"

"Alright.. have a nice day"

"And you too" he went back into his office closing the door in my face

That was rude

I strolled towards the elevator

"Would you like to have dinner with me when you get back?" I heard him call out from his office, his door slightly ajar

Pausing in my tracks, a small smile creeping its way onto my cheeks..'You're a whore, that's what you are' those words refusing to let go, haunting my every minute of peace, the smile disappearing

"I'll pass Sanders" stepping into the elevator as the doors were coming to a close, there he was watching me.

My phone rang

"Hey" Beulah greeted
"To what do I owe this honour sister?"
"Is it wrong to call?"
"Are you busy?"
"You're holding me up b. I'm on my way to the catch a flight"
"You're leaving town?"
"I don't remember you being my daddy that I disclose all my stuffs" sarcastically

"You don't have to be this way you know"

"I know..and quite frankly I enjoy being the rotten egg" I hung up

"Perfect Beulah my foot" I scoffed bitterly laughing dryly to myself

Stepping out of the elevator and towards my car, Jenny already waiting at the entrance

"Jenny" I nodded

"It's good to see you ma'am, looking lovely as ever"

"That's what I'm made for" getting into the already steaming car as she hurriedly got in with me zooming off

"Can I ask a question ma'am. If I may" Jenny spoke up breaking the comforting silence

"Go on"

"Now that you've got your family's business to run now, who's running the errands for you?" She was fidgeting

"No one at the moment, was actually planning on you still working here as well but I figured that'd be cruel of me, you're already handling the workload of the other companies and it's just one you"

"I really wouldn't mind-"

"I mind Jenny, what happens if you become sick? Who'll look after me?" She laughed "I'm serious here.. You're really hardworking and I'm so happy it's you but you need to have rest of your own! Do you even have a life after work?"

"No" replying quietly

"See! I can never replace you if that's your fear, but this time someone needs to run the errands okay"

"Totally understandable"

"If it makes you feel better, do the scouting for me! Anyone to your taste and I'll calmly accept, you seem to know what's best for me"

Her face brightened up "I'd love that" her teeths on full display, a smile so contagious I ended up smiling.

I pulled over Infront of the Black SUV

"Eric" I nodded at my chief of security passing a whole line of my security before ascending into my plane, taking my usual spot

"Any thing you'll need before we depart" Eric asked

"Just get me to London before 6.30 Eric or consider this your last Job"

"Consider your arrival soon my lady" making me smile as he departed towards the pilot area

"Fasten your seat belts, we're about to take off" the pilot instructed
Jenny seated across me, going through her tablet, suddenly her face went pale, looking up to meet my already staring gaze

"Is everything okay?"

"I think you should see this" she handed the tab to me

Headlines; A Damsel in distress? Or a mistress in distress? Which is it? What is the unruly relationship between these two

That was the bloody headlines to the photos from last night, when rice approached me, when he blew air on the cut and picked me up to his car, all in one news

I knew this would happen, there's always evil somewhere, lurking around
I fucking knew it
If there's anything I don't need right now is my name being dragged in the mud alongside his

"Or his mistress?" I questioned handing the tab back to Jenny
"I'm sorry ma, I'll call and have that taken off-"
"Let it be.. humans will always be humans. It's our nature.. it'll really please a certain human for this"

"This is unacceptable ma'am. I'm Sorry but I'll be going against you and I'm having them sued for defamation" she half yelled

"As it pleases you" I blocked my ears with my airpods the song 'Love Goes' by Labrinth and Sam Smith on repeat, humming to it for a while sleep surrounding me

A/N; Short Chapter I'm aware
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Love c_j

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