Chapter 34

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      'Finally letting you go Olivia, you'd be a married woman soon' I wondered staring at the key holder
   Hearing my flight call, I tucked it into my pocket heading to get checked in when my phone kept ringing
Why the fuck is he calling me? To let me know I didn't get the girl and he did
That'd be childish

Taking the call "You better had said yes Orion Sanders or I'll break your nose" I smiled dryly even tho I was happy for him, he's really lucky

The line was silent

"Hello?" He and Olivia better not be playing a prank on me

"Rice I know we've never been on good terms and I have never been happier in my life with Olivia. But I need you to go to her right now. I beg you"

"What do you mean to go to her? What happened? Did you-"

"I beg you, Christopher, please. She's not in a good state now" And the line went dead
Not in a good state? Would he say no?

"Damn it" muttering to myself getting out of the queue and running out of the airport with my luggage towards my car

Putting my things in the trunk before getting in, dialling Olivia and going straight to voicemail

"Shit!" Starting the engine and driving like a maniac back to her place

Seeing her driveway come into view, I stepped on it, putting in more gas and once I was right In front of her house I turned off the engine running out, barging into the house and she sat there, like she was dead, her house was in a mess, things were upside down and I saw her phone in pieces as well, that explains the straight to voicemail

"Hey" I rushed to her sitting on the floor beside her pulling her in for a hug

"He didn't say yes, he didn't say no. He was suffocated" she said rashly

"Shh it's okay" rubbing her back

"I didn't know what I felt for him but I was sure I wanted us to always be together Riri" she whispered


"I don't want to stay here ri, can I go home with you?" She freed herself looking up at me her eyes were bloodshot red

"Sure, I'll just pack your things and we go"

"I don't want anything from this house" she said quietly

"And the cake?" Trying to make a joke

"Cake comes with us" I guess I didn't fail like I thought I would

"I'm glad your tummy still works" I smiled at her which just made her cry, leaned in for a hug and I patted her back

"Everything happens for a reason Liv, we just have to move on okay even tho it's going to be tough, you have to keep living"

"He was cold like I didn't even matter anymore. Like whatever we had died"

"That love isn't dead, cuz if it was he wouldn't have called me and I would have been somewhere in the air now"

We sat there in comfortable silence until I heard her snoring softly making me chuckle

"After all the crying, you need the sleep" muttering to myself as I carried her bridal style and into the car, going back into the house and getting the cake and the rest of the wine in the cabinet locking the door, placing everything carefully in the backseat before moving to the driver's seat driving away and back home

Everything happens for a reason, maybe my not leaving the country is a reason and I believe she's my reason

Glancing over at the sleeping figure beside me before fixing my gaze back on the road


"Hey, we're home" I tapped her still sleeping figure now resting on the couch... I didn't think I'll be back in this space

She shrugged "Go away rice I'm sleeping"

"I know you are but what about the cake?"

"Just put it in the freezer, I'll eat it later" she said groggily

"Can I at least take you to a comfortable bed?"

She just nodded as I picked her up taking her straight to my room, placing her gently a light kiss on the forehead about to retire

"Stay" she mumbled

"I'll be right back, you did say the cake has to go into the freezer yes?"

"Mhm" and she was back to sleeping as I quietly walked back to the living room, did as she instructed with her cake and now sitted on the countertop

What could be so wrong with him? I just have to call-

My phone rang...

No caller ID, that's strange

"Hello?" I said after taking the call

"Am I onto Mr Rice?"

"Yeah, who's this? And calling by this hour?" Looking at my watch, 1:30 am

It better not be work-related, don't they know how to let one rest

"I'm sorry for calling you at this hour, My name is Mae Mae and Orion is my big brother, I'm calling because the last person he contacted was you, and he's nowhere to be found, I was wondering if he told you about his location-" I cut her off

"Nowhere to be found? Can you be honest with me?"

"Yes absolutely" She was really low

"What happened? Why did he chicken out on Liv, she asked him to fucking marry her! And all he says is she's suffocating him! If he wasn't ready for her, if he wasn't ready for commitment or if he would get cold feet in the end, why choose to continue? Do you know the state Liv is in now? Do you have any idea?!" I yelled

"I have no idea, Mr Rice-"

"It's Christopher, fuck formalities tonight"

"I'm sorry Christopher, I have no idea how Olivia must be feeling right now, she was going to ask the man she loves to marry her and he was going to do the same thing. My brother didn't have cold feet sir, my brother was ready to commit, my brother loves that woman,  we spent the whole evening, searching for the perfect ring, he ended up buying the whole store because he couldn't decide-"

"And if he did, what's happening now?" I said defeatedly  "How do I console Olivia?"

"I wish I could tell you, I wish I could but it's family-"

"He has AIDS? Syphilis? What? What type of family issue will cost him losing an amazing human!"

"He's doing it to protect her, it has cost him everything. Since you have no idea where he might be at this hour, thank you for your time." And she hung up

Throwing my phone across the room "Fuck!" Slamming my hands on the table "What kind of fucked of a family is that" muttering to myself running my hands through my hair

"What protection does she need that her father and I haven't given to her? Orion Sanders, what are you hiding? And I swear I'll beat the living daylight out of you" pouring myself a glass of wine

Author's Note;
This a Very very late update, but I hope you like this one👍🏽

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Love c_j

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