Chapter 25

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The machine beeping was the only thing keeping me sane at the point, she couldn't leave..she just couldn't leave me
A lone tear found its way down as I quickly wiped it off, I didn't want to be seen as weak
I needed to be strong at this point, for Beulah and for dad, who's currently in the next room sitted beside dad as I am sitted beside Beulah

He's been so stressful lately and Beulah's accident must have been really hard on him. God please.. I want them both okay

"Hey B, I know you can hear me" tears rolling down my cheeks, not bothering to wipe it away this time "I know I've been a dick towards you and I have no right explanation to justify how I've acted towards you, but you can't blame me.. every single time, Beulah this, Beulah that, be like Beulah, why can't I this... It was hard for me and I couldn't hurt my pride to reach out to you. I'm here now and I'm sorry" I had to swallow back the cry that was threatening to let loose "You're my big big sister and I can't, I don't know what I will do without you" I croaked out
Seeing her head in a bandage, her lower lip torn with a cut, a big plaster at the left side of her face, her right leg up in a cast..
Pretty Doctor face was gone, looking at a young woman fighting for her life
God, God please

The door opening slightly, revealing a very disheveled looking Rice. I got up abruptly taking fast strides towards him as he embraced me in a hug, crying.. as he rubbed my back in silence
"I- I c-cant lose her... S-she's all-"
"You're not loosing her. Beulah's going to be just fine, she's a survivor" I hadn't heard his deep husky voice in a while, it immediately calmed my racing heart, snuggling deeper into his arms, using his shirt to wipe the tears off and probably wipe my nose
"How'd you-"
He didn't even let me finish "Your mum called" he paused "figured you'd need someone around" pulling me away slightly, so he could see my face

Christopher Rice in partnership with having eye bags, missed him so much, his perfect jawline..and when he smiles, everything is simply just in place, looking straight at his chest.. and I must say he's been working out really well, his muscles seems to be a bit pronounced and it's screaming to be touched- touched
I immediately withdrew myself from his grasp, like a fear stricken child

"Are you okay?" He asked taking a few steps forward, looking tired as ever

When his exact words rang in my head 'you're a whore and that's what you are.... You're as loose as everyone of those models and actresses I've ever fucked..what a great pleasure it'll be to add you to the list of women I've fucked. Your mother was right after all. Have some shame, have dignity. Your father is the reason you are the way you are. Spoilt and a whore'
I staggered in my steps, almost tripping over the drug cart the nurse had left behind, stumbling myself
I didn't know seeing him would have this much effect on me.. I have tried so hard to put that thought away, it haunted my every sleep

"Liv.." he began to approach me as I held my hand up stopping him

"I'm alright.. I'm alright, you don't need to come to me" I felt like I was suffocating, as I held my throat begging for air falling to the floor, not heeding to my plea as he rushed towards me

"I need you to breathe for me mamii.. it's just a panic attack, it's just a panic attack.." cooing into my ear as all I could see was blurry, as he gently stroked my cheek, rubbing my hair down "you're okay, you need to take deep breaths in my Liv, deep breaths okay" his voice started becoming faint as my eyes began to droop close "Ah ah ah! You're staying right here with me Olivia Gweyth, right here" he smacked my cheek slightly, shaking me out of this traunce as my vision started to clear and breathing started to even out

We stayed there, in that position of him cradling me in his arms as we were both on the floor, either of us not wanting to say anything.. it's better we sat here in complete silence, aside the beeping of the monitor
I'm glad he hasn't said anything, what was I thinking when I called him? Asking if we could talk it over coffee.. who was I kidding! I wasn't ready for this... No no no

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