Chapter 10

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  "Stephanie, I want the files from the last meeting and the one before sent to my mail. Can you do that?" I buzzed my secretary from the intercom

"Yes sir" Replying ASAP
  I ran a hand through my hair "Can't this day just end already!" I sighed

"Mr Sanders?" Stephanie buzzed me


"There's someone here for you"

"I'm not seeing anyone without an appointment. I'm in a meeting"

"It's Mr Gweyth sir"

I froze

"Send him in" I said re-adjusting my tie.. moments later, he walked in

"Mr Gweyth" I got up offering my hand

"Sanders" he nodded taking it

"It's good to see you" I said "" He did
I sat back down. "What brings you here?"

"I apologize for showing up unannounced-" I cut him off
  "It's absolutely fine"
"I stopped by to deliver the news myself. Your father and I have been in business and now we're in business and it's time I retire"

  "Already?!" I exclaimed
  Of all the times to retire? Now? Poor timing Gweyth. Poor timing
He stared at me intently... I could feel sweat prickling all the way down to my back
God this man intimidates me in a good way

"I'm not getting younger, your dad retired 5 years ago, why is my retiring an already situation"

"We both know that man's beyond lazy" making us both laugh

"He'd kill you if he ever heard you say that" he chuckled

"And now that you're retiring, who's going to be next? I don't think Beulah shifted her interest from human parts to business" breaking off in a pit of laughter

"So true" he paused
Beulah's an amazing woman, has always and will always be the woman for me. High school days were it for me, my mother and her opinions made me lose out on that beauty leaving her to saying yes to another man.

"I don't think you've met my second girl"

"You have two? How come I've never met her" I asked thinking out loud

"Two kids with alot of headache's. Yes" he sighed "Join us for dinner tonight. So you can meet my girl and get acquainted. She'll be the one taking over"
  Young and smart... I like
I guess I didn't really see much of her since I didn't really grow up here.
  "That's really lovely"
He got up "Then we'd have a Party"
"I love parties" I grinned getting up too
  "See you later Sanders" he offered his hand
"Yes sir" I took it
"We're pretty much family now, call me Michael"
"What time?"
  I didn't forget to ask, because the last time I was late, his wife scared the shit out of me

"Seven sharp. Not early. Not late.. And don't forget the red wine, makes Darnell really happy"
  "I wouldn't want to see her mad" I added. I really don't want to

"You sure wouldn't! Have a nice day" he called out as he headed for the door
  "I'll see you-"
"There's no need. I'm not that old Sanders" he chuckled before striding out

'Darnell' Her name rang in my head! One of the craziest moment I know of her was when she tried to kill Michael at a function, because he ate sweetened chocolate cake...
I shivered at the living rent free thought in my head before taking a sit

"Stephanie, with your description, order the finest Italian wine" I buzzed
"Yes sir-"
Mae Mae barged in

"What did I tell you about coming unannounced?" I asked leaning back
She threw herself on the seat Michael just got up from

"Why is this so hot" shifting uncomfortably on the seat

"Is that why you're here Mae?"
MaeMae's my younger sister.. 20.. Blonde.. Not too tall, not too short, finely built if I must say! Has the worst temper but she's definitely the sweetest

  "I came to check on my sweet big brother" typing really hard on her phone
  "What do you want from checking on your big sexy brother?" I smiled, my attention fully on her
"I didn't say you're sexy, you moron, I'm here for three things"
  "Get on with it! I've got a meeting in ten" looking back at my desk trying to arrange some papers for the meeting
"It won't take that long " she smiled
"Out with it then"
  "It's just about the lady from last night -"
"I remember telling you to let it go... I bet she wasn't in a good mood"
  My mind moved back to last night
Clearly she was upset about something, And when our eyes met, hers widened like everyone I come across when they see I've got green eyes.  Her temper reminding me of Mae... sexily beautiful

"Hellooo?" She snapped her fingers in my face
"What Mae? I said let it go!"
"I'm not in the mood too. Who does she think she is, because she's some business owner, doesn't give her any right to rest other humans that way"
  "And what can you possibly do?" A questioned
"She's a fashion house owner, has alot of malls, buildings. London, Brooklyn, Paris, Canada, New Zealand, Liverpool and her biggest most best sales is in Asia" She said really fast that if I didn't have good hearing I wouldn't have heard a thing "So whoever she is, she's filthy rich, but what I don't get is why she was at that CEOS soirée, what does a fashion owner have to do with oils import and export and the likes of that" she shrugged
My mind lingered at how beautiful she was last night, I hope I get to see her again, someday. Damn she's sexy! And her colour! A major turn on for me, not too dark, not too fair, just perfect. Too bad it won't sit well with my mother if we were to ever have a relationship.
Fuck, what I'm I thinking?! Relationship?! I must be hilarious

"You never can tell Mae" I looked up at her "The second thing you're here for? You've got six more minutes" My eyes still on her "And leave that lady alone Mae, don't make me tell on you to your father of how much trouble you're causing"
  "Like he isn't your father" she rolled her eyes scoffing "Well, you know the usual talk between mom-"
"She wants to marry me off as soon as possible" completing her sentence for her
"You're twenty-six Orion. When will I be an aunt?"
"You can tell your mum, when I'm ready I'll get married. I don't want to be pressurised" I stated
  "She's already planning an engagement with her friends daughter"
  "She can get engaged to her for all I care. And why do you want to be an aunt when you're already one."
"Warren's busy and that bitch of a wife he has won't let me near them, always pretends when he's around"

Warren's our older brother.. married with three kids. I really hate his gutts

"His kids are the cutest. A shame they have that witch as a mum" She added again
  "Wanna kidnap them?" I asked
  "How soon?"
"I could make the call now"
"Yes please. I love trouble!" She laughed evily
"4 more minutes Mae"
"Are you serious about the whole arrangements?" She asked
"Absolutely, anything for my girl. Between you and me, she's bad for our brother"
"Really bad"
I got up putting on my suit
"Lastly" she jumped up "Can I borrow your car?"
"I think you should go" I grabbed my phone
  "Oh please Orion!" She half-screamed
"What happened to your car?"
"Nothing. But if you're not giving me your car its okay, I totally understand" she said giving me those eyes before looking away
"Damn these women and their eyes" I muttered to myself before handing her the keys. "Crash it and you're dead and I mean it
She squealed "Thank you thank you thank you so much big brother! I won't crash it I promise!" She smiled running out.
"What a child" I sighed, laughing slightly

I dialled Blaine
Detective, Bodyguard, all you see fit to name him, he's the man.
"How soon can you Kidnap my brother's Kids?"
"How soon do you want it?"
"Really soon. Trash the place"
"Yes sir-"
"And there's a vase on one of the shelves in my brother's room. Break it, into alot of pieces. It belongs to the wife" I added
"Yes sir"
"Take them somewhere far, I'll send Mae to you. And let me know the moment you're all far and safe" I hung up smiling as I walked out of the office
Nothing gives me pleasure than troubling those two

"Stephanie" I called out as I headed to the board room, her trailing closely behind
"The projects?"
"Ready" she replied as I stepped into the room

A/N; Hey beautiful people! Thanks again for taking time to read this!
Sorry for the late update.
What do you think of Orion's Part? Do you like him? Do you not like him
I love reading comments! Nice ones to be exact. I'm really sensitive about stuffs!
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Thank you
love c_j

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