Chapter 19

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"That's one hundred thousand bags of cement gone!" Christopher yelled
And yes
At me
"How was I supposed to know-"
"Spare me the crap Sanders! Did you hire me just to frustrate me? Or to waste money. Which is it?" He snapped
"What the fuck's your problem man, How was I supposed to know they'd be selling one fourth of the cement expired! Do you think I'm wasting money? You're not as upset as I am right now"

"Oh fuck you and your anger! This is my work and if you can't handle things for me to work, then forget it! Go find yourself another architect because this is crazy"

"Go on! Quit. Run away, it seems to be the only thing you and Olivia have in common!" I snapped "You think this project doesn't mean anything to me! This is how it has been for the past six months, when something goes wrong, you quit, you run away, then you return. I understand that a hundred thousand bags of cement is alot of loss and I'm not happy about it. I will cover the cost and replace the damage and have them sued and fined. But don't just quit!" I yelled
At him
Yes..back at him
I can't keep loosing my cool because of a short tempered human, and loosing staffs because he doesn't see them fit for the job
'If you want the best for this project, I'll do what I want and do. not. ever. object. to. me'
I remembered his words when he fired six individuals at a go, All because they were clustered somewhere, laughing and talking

"Non importa se scappo o mi nascondo dai miei problemi, che dovrebbe essere davvero meno di La tua preoccupazione. Fatti gli affari tuoi quando si tratta di Liv e io bastardo. Davvero non apprezzo ficcanaso persone" he snapped in Italian

Translation: "It doesn't matter if I run away or hide from my problems, that should be the really less of your concern, mind your business when it comes to Liv and I bastard. I really don't appreciate nosy individuals"
Headed towards the door opening and shutting it really hard on his way out

Poor construction office

"I really don't know what the fuck's wrong with this human" I sighed running a hand through my hair, pulling out my phone, Mae beating me to the call

"What's up big brother?!" She greeted happily


"Oh c'mon, you're still upset about it!"

"Why wouldn't I be?!" I yelled

"It's some friggin' sunflowers Orion. It's not a big deal"

"Some 'friggin' sunflowers? You came into my house, without my authorization and you fucking cleared my flowers! Do not fucking come into my home again. Or I swear to God I'll kill you" hanging up "Some friggin' sunflowers. Bitchh be crazy" I scoffed

Dialling Layla, the secretary "Layla, have you been able to get a hold of Ms. Gweyth?"

"Yes sir"


"She needs me in Asia at the moment"

"What for?" I raised a brow

"To deliver some folders and some other stuffs"

"Have them sent to my house before midnight, was already planning on going there"

"Yes sir. Thank you sir" hanging up
I really don't know why she's been avoiding me... Six God damn months and she hasn't shown herself, could it be work? Or she's just avoiding me.. why would she avoid me? She has no reason to! I haven't even said how I feel

Glancing at my watch, 7:30pm
Shit I got to start packing, can't wait to see the look on her face when I grace her with my presence
Taking long strides towards my car, driving off back home..
Shutting the engine, hearing voices coming from inside, I rushed out of the car wondering who could be at my house at this time

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