Chapter 7

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I haven't seen much of Rice lately
He's been ignoring me and focusing more on work
   'Like you didn't tell him off' I mentally sighed to myself

"More wine my lady?" A waiter asked, shaking me outta my thoughts
  The music, not so loud and not so low either. Seems like Tom has a thing for parties and people.
Got and Invitation card earlier today after lunch with my dad and finally signing all the documents that make me full legal owner of his company

I sighed "So called CEO'S Soiree" I muttered to myself

I'm not impressed one bit to be honest
Could give it a 6/10

And as usual, so many men, staring right at you. The worst most annoying part is I'm under the same building with Riri and he has refused to say a word to me

Why would he? When he has alot of them brunettes and blonde's by his side. He hasn't even as much as glanced at me, not even by mistake. I guess thats what you get for being a rude melodramatic bitch to your best human


What has my life turn to?!

I downed every last bit of wine left, dropping the glass really harshly, if my hands weren't this fragile the glass would have shattered

Oh well, thank God for small hands

I pulled out my phone from my purse

'You guys had dinner yet?' I texted

'About to, mum's setting the table,How's the soiree going?' she replied

'Waste of money, decor and my fancy outfit. Nothing impressive about it. Set a plate for me, I'm leaving soon'

'What happened to your own house? Go feed yourself'

'Love you too BigS🦋' I shut the phone and placed it back into my purse

What a waste of outfit

God knows how much I hate wasting fancy dresses

I got up heading for the exit, when my phone began buzzing in my purse, looking down I reached for it, not stopping in my movement and that's when a tall, fine muscularly built human bumped into me, spilling whatever drink he had in his glass on me, shattering it in the process leaving both me with a few cuts and him a bloody hand

I literally just emphasised I hate wasting outfits, now this happens to be a real waste

'This cost a fortune you moron' I mentally scowled

  I have had a rough week
Best friend isn't talking to me, A lame party I must say
And this friggin' idiot just spoilt whatever good I was feeling.

  "Can't you see where you're fucking going?" I snapped, looking at the man who couldn't use his fucking eyes
   Green eyes
The fuck?! Is that normal?!

"Says the one who wasn't looking" The blondie clinging unto him scowled

"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking" he said quietly "I wasn't looking" he added

  "Pretty obvious you weren't" I muttered to myself

"I'm really sorry, can I get you something for the bleeding?"
  His eyes full of sincerity
   Why the fuck wasn't I buying that

"You can keep whatever help youre offering, maybe next time when you're not too busy staring at bimbo beside you, you'll keep your head up and move without bumping into someone. What kind of friggin' asshole are you?" I shot at him, shoving him and walking past

  "I swear I didn't mean to. I said sorry" I heard him say on my way out

"Let's get this bleeding under control okay" I heard the blonde say,  as I finally  reached the exit walking towards my car

Soo, this is where the story gets more interesting!
Your thoughts on the green eyed human?
Yay? Or Nay?
I'd really like to hear your thoughts my sweetness



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