Chapter 17

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    'Headlines; A Damsel in distress? Or a mistress in distress? Which is it? What is the unruly relationship between these two'

"What the fuck is this supposed to mean!" Slamming the tablet on the desk.. yelling

"I'll h-have them take it down sir-"

"For fucks sake Samantha! Use your damn head! That's fucking defamation! Get on with it quickly. And get my lawyer before I give out your job!" I yelled with her scurrying out

"Fucking hell" I muttered to myself "Damsel in distress? Unruly relationship? For fucks sake" running my hands through my head
Haven't had the gutts to face her, the least I could do is take this down before she sees it, if at all she hasn't

I picked up my phone dialling Beulah

"Hey sexy" she picked up on the third ring

"Chris. How many times-"

"I'm trying to get a hold of Liv. Have you heard from her?"

"I thought you two would be together sorting out the news?" She paused "Anyways, I called her an hour ago, on her way to catch a flight. Headed to London so Orion said. Is everything okay? With you guys I mean? And the fucking media? Why can't they just mind their business" she half yelled

"Yes sexy. Love you"

"Call me sexy again and I'll-"

"Sexy" I shushed her laughing.. hanging up


She looked at me as she sat there, trying to speak but she couldn't seem to utter a word
She sat there, hyperventilating, tears streaming down, looking at nothing but me
A sting in my heart, this heaviness and pull I felt
Still staring at me getting up, grabbing her purse and putting on her shoes

She turned to me smiling sadly
"I guess this is goodnight Christopher. I'll make sure you see less of this whore" nodding before walking towards the door

Those words lingered

What the fuck Christopher. What the actual fuck
She probably won't want to see me, what do I want to say? I was upset about the bloody Orion Sanders guy having his hand on her back
I'm sure that's what he probably want, to fuck her and then leave
That's all they do these days

The door slightly opened, Samantha peeking her head


"What?" I snapped

"Someone's here to see you-"

"If it's not my fucking lawyer, I'm not seeing anyone"


And the bastard just had to barge into my office, with that stupid smug look on his face
Samantha shutting the door on her way out

"I'm not seeing anyone"

"Well I'm here to talk business, nothing of any other sort. May I?" Referring to the empty seat on the other side of the table


His hand finding it's way to the pocket

"I don't think we started off well"

"And what do we need starting off well for?"

"Because I'm here to talk Man to Man. And to let you know I want to court Olivia. Soon. If God permits"

Court? Court?!
He must be mad. The Liv I know would never

Shifting so I could rest my elbows on the desk "Good luck Sanders"

"Seeing you two are close and you'd know everything about her, I'd like to know what she likes and doesn't. So I'd know how to do it right"

Taking the seat opposite me

"I don't give relationship advice buddy" getting up and so did he as I walked to the door

"What did you say to her that night?" Stopping in my tracks

"And who are you to ask?" Said through gritted teeths

"She ran out with you, haven't been able to reach her all weekend, comes to work and she's out of it"

"And why are you trying to reach her all weekend? I'm sure she has mentioned personal space" Opening the door and calling out for Samantha

"Samantha See Mr Sanders right here out. He's leaving"

Walking back to my seat, waiting for him to leave

"I'm not done Mr Rice"

"No one's struggling Olivia with you Sanders. You don't have to come to my office again. Ever. You literally can have her, I hope you don't mind using a loose animal?"

His palms clenched

"And you're meant to be defending-"

"Fuck defence Orion. Olivia can fuck who she wants, I really don't care. You know how this stuffs works, how the world works. If it comes to defend, I'll defend my friend. Now leave" relaxing a bit

"I said I'm not done Rice. Don't chase me"

"He'll be right out with you Sam" nodding for her to leave

"I have a construction site I want you to handle"

"I'm an architect. Not an engineer" in a 'duhh' tone

"I want you to do your architect thingy and come up with the front, right and left elevation of a hospital"

"How big are we talking?"

"Big. The sooner we put up a structure for the client , the sooner our pay day"

"Our?" Puzzled

"Yes. You and I"

"I'd have to talk with this client to know what-"

"You don't have to, Olivia assured us you're good at what you do and that's why I'm here Mr Rice. We're looking at 1000 or more rooms. Offices, departments, pharmacy, lobbies, the connecting hallways and all that. It's not really a big place, somewhere small,  You know your thing, you'd do it right. Yeah?"

A thousand rooms, somewhere small?


I wonder what Liv sees in this clown

Never. Have I ever. Drawn up a hospital plan and put it to life


This is major workload

"Yeah. I do my work well" I replied

"Alright then Sanders. You should be ready for us in 2 weeks" getting up and offering his hand, repeating the same gesture, taking his hand squeezing mine tightly

"She'll be mine. One way or the other. Either you like it or not" he didn't have that smile on his face again

Leaning in "You're one crazy bastard" whispering

"And may the best 6ft win" letting go of my hand, moving towards the door in his king strides..

"One thing Orion Sanders" turning around "The heart wants what it wants. But like you said, may the best 6ft win" opening the door "Oh and Sanders, I never lose" a winning smirk on my face

Who cares?
She's not interested and neither will she ever be. He can have her.. it's time I settle on with my life.

Hey hey hey!
Orion and Christopher?
What did you think of their conversation?
And he seems to know what he wants and from the looks of it, he wants Olivia!
Bluff related?
The little star 🌟 at the bottom
I like Comments most especially, nice ones to be exact
Love c_j😙❤️

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