Chapter 9

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"And fucking call Rodriguez, he hasn't replied to any of my texts and the sooner he sends them, the sooner I start this goddamn project" I slammed the phone down.
   "What in fucks name is wrong with the humans in this world" I sighed to myself falling on the couch in my office
I hope I didn't leave that party for nothing
  'Its not like you had anything serious doing, when you kept eyeing Olivia like you could eat her'  my mental self yelled at me causing me to chuckle

My phone kept buzzing

Caller ID; Liv

"You are not what I need right nowwww!" I yelled at the screen like an obviously deranged human
  I turned it off
I don't want another human getting me upset, much less her

  Even tho the main reason I was at the soiree was all because I saw the guest list and only one name caught my eye, Olivia Gweyth. If I couldn't talk to you, I might as well watch you from afar. I half smiled

  The phone kept ringing and ringing
"For fucks sake! What does she want?! You told me off remember!" I yelled again over and over
Might as well pick it up and ignore you forever

  "I'm busy Liv can we talk-" I said almost quickly before she cut me off

"Can I come over?" She broke off crying, making my heart sink, what could possibly be wrong, she looked just fine earlier

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" I asked, ready packing my stuffs to meet up with her, wherever she was.

"Can I come over?" She asked again
  Definitely not my place. I suppose one of those models are up waiting for me
I'm supposed to be having a time of my life, fucking whoever that's not Olivia, but here she is fucking up my plans unintentionally.

"Go home Liv, I'm on my way to you. Is that okay?"

"Okay" She hung up

"Why do I keep running to you whenever and everytime you call" I said to myself shaking my head in denial "The sooner I stay away from you, the sooner life becomes sweet for me" I said hurrying out


I unlocked the door stepping in...she didn't really think I'll hand in all the keys. Kept a spare as an emergency, just like how this happens to be an emergency.

  "Liv?" I called out "Why is it so dark in here" I muttered to myself

"In here" she called out faintly
I need to find my way to the stairs before trip- And I bumped into the side table, saying hello to the floor personally

"My thighs" I groaned in pain
I got up immediately, pretending nothing happened, brushing off the non existent dust from my suit, finding my way to her room

I strode over to her bed, taking off my shoes and climbing in.

"Heyy" I pulled her in for a hug, making her cry more "'s okay, it's alright, I'm here.. I'm heree" I cooed running her back

"S-she ha-hates me ri" she cried in between hiccups "I" hiccups "Don't" Another hiccup "W-wanna go" Yet another hiccup "There anymore" I hope that's the last of it
Godd, how much do women cry

"What went wrong this time?" I asked
Knowing fully well that it's not the first time she's having issues with her mum and it's definitely not the last as well

"S-said I'm a thing of a daughter and I-i should be more like Beulah. Decent" she cried softly.
  That infuriated me alot. What the hell does she mean by decent. She's not going around sleeping with every man she comes across. She's not always dressed half naked. So what does she mean

  "And why are you crying? Are you not decent enough?"

"I don't know ri" she let out a heavy sigh

"Olivia Gweyth. Are you decent. Yes or No?"

"I guess" she said wiping the tears away with her free hand

"Say that again and I'll pluck out your nipples" I said smiling over her head

"That's torture Ri" I could feel her smile, as her cheeks rose up on my chest

"Yes or No Olivia" I asked again

"Yes, I'm pretty much decent"

"And why should you be like Beulah! She's boring, really boring"
  She remained silent
We laid there in silence until she finally spoke

  "All my life, all my fucking life, I have always been compared to Beulah. She's the perfect daughter. And I was the one who went to Business school while Beulah went off to Medical school. We both had our degrees, even went as far as masters and not forgetting the extra degree I bagged in fashion. And yet here I am owner of my own company, not needing anyone's help, here I am now the owner of the family business and I'm not decent enough. When will I ever be. I feel angry most times, I feel cursed most times because of my colour. I'm black and I'm beautiful, but she makes me feel ugly all the time and how she hates who I am" she paused sniffling

"I will always be here for you, Don't ever forget it okay. You're beautiful inside out and you have an amazing skin. Darnell will come around eventually, but you have to make up your mind Liv, don't give her any room to taunt you, you're even more successful than before, I wonder what more does she want"  I stated firmly



"I love you and Thank you" she paused "For being here with and for me. I wouldn't have asked for a better friend" she hugged me tightly as her breathing began to slow down and her shoulders dropping slightly informing me she's fast asleep.
   Love me more than Ri Liv.. It's all I ask
I sat there, rubbing her arm slowly back and forth earning sleep for myself.
  'A nice way to sleep after the days' work. Who would have thought I'd sleep in the same bed tonight with this young lady' I thought to myself smiling, turning of the lamp, sleep in the darkness engulfing me.

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