Chapter 30

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   My phone kept buzzing through out the meeting.. Where in heavens name is Olivia, she was supposed to be here an hour ago, said she'd stop by the hospital to see her sister, I hope nothing came up

We decided to take things slow, I guess it's good

"Someone really can't wait to get a hold of you ay" Marcus, a board member said chuckling

It didn't occur to me that I didn't put it on vibration, and it rang out loud

"Excuse me" getting up and walking out taking the call from Layla

"Layla, what did I tell you?" I groaned "I'm in a fucking meeting, couldn't the call wait?"

"I'm sorry sir, but it couldn't wait"

"Well then, get on with it"

"Ms. Olivia was in an accident"

"What do you mean an accident?" Not waiting for her reply, running towards the exit, walking really fast towards my car

"A hit and run case Sir-" cutting her off

"Where are you?"

"At the office sir"


"It's the same hospital ma'am Beulah is in, let me get the name across to you-" I hung up once I started to hear the clicking of keyboards

Starting the engine, firing away and driving on full speed to the hospital. It was roughly a ten minutes drive, on getting there, the media had blocked the entrance

"Fuck" slamming my hands on the wheel the horn blaring out, now getting the attention of the media as they ran towards my car "Jesus Christ Olivia do you want me dead?" I found a spot to park, putting on my shades taking deep breaths in before stepping out

Cameras flicking here and there

"Orion Sanders? What brings you here?" One of the reporters asked,

"Olivia Gweyth? Is she your lover?"

"Why did you come all the way here, it has to be more than just business partners" ignoring them trying to get past them and finally into the hospital, getting to the counter taking off my glasses

"Excuse me, Olivia Gweyth?"

"And you are?" The nurse asked "Safety measures Sir, the woman was almost run over, no offense"

"Business partner. Orion Sanders.. Can I see her?"

"I'll have to ask a family member, give me a second"

Before she reached out to the phone "Do you really have to?" Because if Christopher was here, he'd ask security take me out. I know that bastard

"Yes. Or you'd prefer I call security?"

"Goddamit woman, that's my girlfriend in there and I don't know if she's alive or dead. I want to see her, what do you want?!" I yelled, frustrated etched in my voice

"Room 36, 3rd floor fifth door to the left" she said before handing a visitor's card to me as I literally, practically ran to the elevator tapping the button 3 furiously until it closed..after some time it dinged open

Running out and into the hallway the nurse had directed me I wasn't expecting to see Rice or maybe I wanted to be here first before him

Darn it

"No!" He yelled the moment he set his eyes on me "Get the fuck out of here" he fast walked towards me pushing me away and since I wasn't prepared I landed on the floor

Ivory And Ebony Where stories live. Discover now