Chapter 33

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   "I'm not leaving you.. I love you too much to let you go okay! But it's either you leave right now and close that deal or you forget about it and step into this tub and spend crazy time with me" she smiled really pretty
God I love this woman

Laughing "I'll see you soon love, the moment I am done, I am heading straight back to you and I'll make that spaghetti that you love so much"

"Yay! Then hurry Orion Sanders! Don't keep my dinner tummy waiting!" She shooed me away as I walked out hurriedly fast screaming an "I love you" on my way out.

Getting into the car dialling Layla, starting the car

"Good morning Mr Sanders" she beamed cheerfully

"A very good morning to you, my schedule for the day?"

"You have the 10am meeting and then by twelve pm you have the contract signing and by two pm you have to be in attendance for Mr. Maguire's Fundraiser and he simply indicated in his mail that if you're not in attendance, he's pulling out his shares from the company" she stated

"He can be so demanding" chuckling

"Indeed sir. And Ma'am Olivia?"

"She's got a flight to catch" hanging up

Today's a good day I can feel it

Reaching to my phone dialling Mae Mae

"Hi big brotherrr, did you miss me? Is that why you called?" She squealed

This woman is more of a baby than a baby

"No Mae, I didn't miss you. I'm going to ask her to marry me"

The line was silent


"Oh my Godddddd! I am so happy for you!-"

"She hasn't even said yes Mae-"

"And she'll say yes, you guys eye rape yourselves. I want to have what you two have. Awwww I'm going to be an aunty againnn"

"Not too loud Mae, we don't want anyone knowing until she says yes okay."

"Lips sealed. So what can I do for you? Ring shopping?"

"You read my mind" chuckling

"And because I have good taste, and besides your soon to be wife would know her jewelry, she's a fashion icon herself, you've got to get her something unique"

"Yes Mae I know, that's why I called you. I'll pick you up at five okay?"

"I'll be ready and waiting for my soon to be married brother" giggling before hanging up

The day has to go smoothly as planned

"Do you think she'll like this one?" I asked looking at an emerald stoned engagement ring
My mind going back to the night she wore green.. ahh this woman would kill me

"What about this one?" Mae shows me a big diamond ring

"It's so big Mae, I don't know if she'd like it" Yawning

I'm so tired, and well happy cuz the deal was signed successfully and I can't wait to toast to two good news tonight

Looking at the attendant that has been standing there watching Mae and I go back and forth on ring choices

"I'll have everything" I said finally, was really getting bored of this and I needed to see her I'm sure she's probably wondering why I'm not home yet

"I love me a man that spoils me with jewelleries, believe me she has no choice but to say yes" Mae giggled

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