7 | bestie

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I dragged myself out of bed, walked to the bathroom with heavy eyes, and washed my face until I sobered. I changed into my bikini and shoved my sunscreen, towel, and book into my cotton bag.

Cam was softly snoring in the armchair while I tiptoed toward the door, in an entirely different position from his initial, his head against one armrest and his legs hanging from the other.

The moment reminded me of one night Cameron stayed over at my house in sixth grade because her mother was hospitalized. I remembered protesting against it, begging my aunt not to let him sleep in our house, but she said friends should stick together through hard times, and she was doing her duty as Aunt Annie's best friend.

I gave him my bed, and I slept in the living room that night—not because I wanted to, but because it was hospitality, and Auntie said she raised me well.

The following day, when Cameron came downstairs, he quoted my diary at the kitchen table in front of everyone—the part where I confessed my love for our classmate Noah. Pops gave me a pep talk about boys, relationships (more about how it was too early for them), and sex. It was the most awkward moment in my life, listening to he give me sex education in his own way while avoiding my gaze with his rosy cheeks.

In the end, I told him I knew the basics, and he was so embarrassed that he didn't even mind it.

And Cameron—that asshole just got away with it since I was afraid he'd blurt it out at school if I pissed him off.

This is my revenge, Cammybear. Hope he woke up with a massive crick in his back.

I grabbed one of the keys and sneaked out of the room.

The back door of Riley's Tavern opened to the beach. The morning sun flashed at my face right away, so I shielded my eyes with my hand, but the welcoming warmth of sunlight put a smile on my face. The sand wasn't too hot yet, so I walked barefoot and carried my flip-flops in hand.

Land's End was home to a stunning bay between two green hills with turquoise-colored water and a sandy beach. There were no buildings on the coast or even a trace of living, so it looked exotic and natural. Birds flew over the ocean, waves washed the shore softly, and the sun shone brightly over the horizon. It must've been famous for its beach, but I couldn't be more grateful that this town was hidden behind these hills.

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