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Cam fell first, probably because of the accumulated fatigue for he didn't sleep properly for days. I watched him in his sleep for a while, our faces were so close that his warm breath washed over my cheeks. His chest rose and fell with ease, and he seemed at peace in his sleep. Though he was a light sleeper, I bet he wouldn't wake easily this time.

A smile tugged at my lips while I entertained the idea of testing my theory. Then, without further ado, I lifted my hand slowly and brushed his hair off his forehead. Watching his reaction, my fingers nested in his hair for a while. Then, ran down the side of his face, through his cheek, brushing my fingers against his rough skin. I saw a ghost of a smile on his face as if he'd felt my touch, but he didn't wake up.

Watching him sleep cozily next to me, my heart buzzed with an unfamiliar sense of settlement. My mind was surprisingly silent, no afterthoughts, no doubts, no what-ifs. That put a soft grin on my lips as I lowered my head next to him and shut my eyes.

When I woke up, the spot next to me was empty.

A rush of panic ran down my spine as I wide-opened my eyes and looked around the room. The bathroom door was open, too. I was alone in the room.

What if it was just a happy dream?

I held out my hand to the bedside table for my phone.

What if it never happened? What if

Then, I saw the notification. An unread message from Cameron. Ten from Tuesday.

With my heart throbbing in my chest, I first opened Cam's: Call me when you wake up.

It was three in the afternoon, which meant I'd slept for ten hours. No wonder my face felt puffy and my body heavy. Then, I clicked on Tuesday's chat, skimming through her texts, which started with panicked messages about my whereabouts and ended with hearts and winks. Her latest text was: I'll help you get ready for your date 😉💗

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