chapter three

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ok so my friends still can't update so I'm gonna try to make this long so that maybe it'll be like 100-200 words (since that's how long theirs are). umm well.... GO AND LOOK IT UP THE POOR GUYS HEAD IS SPINNING!!! who else loves Ben Fankhauser?! cuz I sure do. umm ugh 56 words.... idek what to write since this isn't a legit book... ain't it a fine life carrying the banner through it all!!!!! I love newsies if you haven't noticed lol sorry if you're not a fansie and you read this and you're just like "umm shut up with the newsies, I SWEAR!" hahah. this will probably include a lot of inside jokes I have with my friends... sorry. ok I have like 128 words now is that enough?? idk if it is so I'll continue. so actually I'm gonna finish, so comment your favorite song from newsies and yeah lol this book will probably be deleted soon sorry!! thanks for reading :)

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