chapter thirty three

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I AM MAD. so we got our yearbooks yesterday and had a yearbook signing for my grade. so my friend likes this guy and was too scared to go and ask him to sign her yearbook herself so she made me do it. so I go up to the guy and casually walk near him and say "oh, hey you wanna sign my yearbook?" and he literally IGNORES ME. he actually stops where he's walking (and I actually see him glance at me) but then just keeps on going. umm, you're KIDDING RIGHT?!?! I DO NOT GET IGNORED!!!after that I couldn't try again bc I was so mad. fungirl426 was with me and saw it all go down. that was so terrible. idek how many reads I have at the moment but thanks for whatever it is!! so the picture above is Joe Sugg's arm. no I want you to look at the arm and comment how much you like that arm on a scale from 1 (being it's the worst thing ever)- 10 (this arm will be the death of me) ok thanks byee

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