chapter eight

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why do I eben call these chapters?!? lol well my fried kmyl_forever wanted me to talk about a very serious topic right now. Kyle Buckle. now my friend here quite likes this Kyle Buckle and wanted me to share that with my readers, so yeah here you go. they have some wonderful moments where they interact (talk, don't eben think about it in a bad way I swear) and it's quite grand since I ship them. alright I hope that was enough of that... anyways I said I would explain "Denton" now. Bryan Denton is the reporter for the New York Sun in Newsies (the movie). so one day I decided to call
my dog Denton, randomly, and then I did the same with my friends and it's kind of stuck. basically Denton can mean anything not just a person, idek get it anymore we basically call Denton anything and everything. hopefully that made some what sense.

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