chapter thirty two

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(btw who else loves this picture?? bc I love it!) ok so hello everyone. thanks for tuning in ;) lol wtd. so today was the last chorus concert of my entire middle school career 😭😭😭😭 emberescott madelineclairee fungirl426 are you guys sad too?? bc I am!! especially bc the boys don't eben sing and it makes me sick bc I work my Denton off to sound good and they're just like "Denton doesn't care" ugh I swear. anyways school is almost over but GUESSS WHAT. MY DENTON TEACHER IS MAKING MY CLASS READ SHAKESPEARE!!! don't get me wrong, I love acting and theatre but when it's in a form I don't understand then I don't like it. especially when school is gonna be over in like a week and we have to keep doing work... umm wtd? my teacher can go home now thanks. is anybody else like completely and mentally don't with school?? bc physically I'm there but mentally... not all the time.. I have good grades so I gotta just stay in there but still. ok that's all now.. nobody commented their favorite song and newsies song which I asked for on the last chapter so go comment that there. now on THIS chapter, comment your favorite Youtuber!! mine is definitely Thatcherjoe OMG I love thatcherjoe so much I'm gonna marry him and Ben Cook. I also have been really into PointlessBlog and thiskidneedsmedicine (this guys grandma is goals I swear) ok so COMMENT DENTON!! ok byee

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