chapter twenty seven

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I'm a little annoyed bc I just got my schedule for school next year and I class wrong in the schedule, but we can change them so it's ok. so I was gonna change Music Appreciation to Musical Theater, my original choice (idk where music appreciation came from lol). BUT THEN I FIND OUT THAT MUSICAL THEATER ISNT EBEN A CLASS THATS OFFERED ANYMORE.. WHAT EBEN. I'm gonna kill
lol jk but it made me quite mad, now I'm going to take mixed chorus though so it's not tooooooo bad even though it really is. ok so I'm watching dance moms and Abby is so stupid, I mean how THE DENTON DO YOU LOSE YOUR PASSPORT AND MONEY AND CREDIT CARD AND SUCH ALL TOGETHER AND SO STUPIDLY?!?!? lol I love Abby though.

I really don't know what to write in the book anymore it's kinda making me mad... idek comment you thoughts on my book so far bc idk how I feel about it. ok I'm gonna end it here PLEASE COMMENT BC I WANNA KNOWWWW :)

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