chapter thirty six

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so I haven't updated in a while bc in busy, and I know I said I would update more in the summer but oh well sorry. um now I'm at 900 reads....?!?! WHAT?!?!?! ok I'm not gonna go on and on about that bc I seem to do so all the time. so my summer has been going pretty well so far, so far most of the things I've done were swimming (whether in the ocean or pool), eating, sleeping, and watching YouTube videos... that's legit my summer so far and probably the rest of it. oh well. let me know some of your fun summer plans I'd love to hear about what other people are doing! I've been to the beach already and I'm going again for like 2 weeks tomorrow so probably no update during that time :/. sorry.

so recently I found out that there was a "YouTube boyband" video (sorry that I'm a little slow on that) but I watched it and the moment Joe sang his solo part I IMMEDIATELY freaked out. like it's not eben a joke, or a JOEk of you wanna be funny, but I had to pause it many times bc i was just dying and almost in tears bc a real live angel was singing to me and I wasn't expecting it to be as angelic as it was. I'm also soooo excited for his book to come out bc I love him and I'm excited to see what goes on inside his brain... yeah that's kind of weird oops😂. but yeah, don't worry I still loooooooove Ben too

I just noticed I started both of those paragraphs with "so" ugh. oh well, I guess that makes this seem more legit when I leave it that way so you can see my flaws💁🏼, not that there are many. lol jk. I think I'm going to end this update now I hope you enjoyed it and I apologize if the next one is in like 2 weeks, goodbye!!!✌🏻️

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