chapter thirty five

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(first of all Barack Obama is totally right it's not even funny)
WHY DO I HAVE OVER 700 READS?!?!? NO. STOP. omd why do you do this?!? LAST TIME I CHECKED I HAD LIKE 650 and it almost goes up by 100?!?!?!? (I have like 720 right now) thank you all very much for reading this!

so if I'm being honest, I haven't updated in a while obviously, and I apologize for that if there are any of you who really care lol. but tbh, I don't really know where I'm going with this book. yes I know I've said this allllll the time like "it's stupid" or "what's eben the point" but I REALLY want to know what you guys think!!!!! so please let me know how you feel about my book whether you think it's stupid or you'd like to see more, bc if nobody cares then I'll just stop writing (I won't delete it bc it'll bring back memories) SO PLEASE COMMENT YOUR THOUGHTS PPPPLLLLEEEEEAAAASSSSEEEE

so I had to work at VBS at my church last week and there was this really cute guy there named James and lemme just say that my friends disagree with the fact that he's attractive but I thought 😍👏🏻. he also got to see me sing and dance and act the whole week which is good bc that's the stuff I enjoy and am good at😏 and I could've SWORN that he was like staring at me and smiling during one of the songs we sang🙌🏻 omd that was a good time 😂 AND ONCE HE WALKED SO CLOSE TO ME OMD I COULD FEEL THE CONNECTION BETWEEN US OMDG 😂😂 jk he probably doesn't know my name and he's never talked to me and I may never talk to him so yeah 😐😫😞

so I guess I'll finish up now, again please comment your thoughts on the book bc I would really like to know what you guys think!! thank you for reading 👌🏻

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