chapter thirty four

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sorry I haven't updated in like 718263638 years lol. so finally ITS SUMMER!! well not technically the season, but school is OUT!! and I'm very happy bc it's summer Ry, everything changes 👓👩🏼 (HSM 2 anyone?). I don't know what to write sooo.. yeah. anyways you should read the following books bc they're just so good and are the best things

Lame Names by ritzbabes
One Step at a Time by theonyxrose and emberescott
Summer Love by fungirl426
The Girl Who Danced by emberescott

these books have an actual story and plot and junk so they're much more worthwhile than this piece of Denton. sorry this isn't very entertaining of fun or has any point to it bug yeah just read the above books and watch thatcherjoe and you'll live a grand life (watch Caspar Lee and Connor Franta and MANY DENTON MORE as well though) ok goodbye friends ✌🏻️

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