chapter sixteen

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this is gonna be short I think I'll
update again later though, happy Mother's Day everybody!! lol I just went to dinner for Mother's Day and it was quite good. I don't really know what to write... I think I'll just save it here and come back later...
alright, 2 hours later, I'm back!! I'm really struggling with a math take-home test and it's on like quadratic and junk and I don't get most of it so yeah!! ACED THAT ONE! lol jk obviously I didn't, I'm probably gonna need to finish it... I've only done like 10 problems and there's 2 pages front and back of problems. woo hoo. ritzbabes kyel_forever hkinnc01 you guys know the struggle I'm facing. but the good thing is, I finished my newsies paper!! I'm so happy that it's done and I'm quite proud of it. tomorrow is the seize the day small group auditions!! I'll
let you know how it goes but I'm really excited and confident since I feel really prepared and yeah I think it'll go well. I think I'm gonna finish up now, comment your favorite and least favorite subject in school. my favorite is chorus, it counts get off my back (😂😂😂 fungirl426 ) and my least favorite is math, bc... ew. it's gross. ugh. ok bye!! COMMENT AND VOTE AND FOLLOW MEEEE :)

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