chapter ten

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ok I thought I'd update one more time today.. wow 10 chapters in a day!! you gotta step up your game ritzbabes lol. umm I really don't know where I'm going with this book but yeah. I had a pretty good day today (wtd am I eben doing) I might be able to sing the beginning of Seize the Day (in chorus) with a small group, you have to audition and I'm pretty confident for that audition next week :). yeah so we had kind of a practice audition today and I'm pretty confident for the real one so yeah! I'll make sure to write about that once it happens. oh yeah my friend fungirl426 wanted me to talk about this guy Sander/Logan. he has 2 names, ik ik get over it. so she kind of loves him and she texted him recently and couldn't eben guess who she was... AND THEY KNOW EACHOTHER!! he's not the fastest there is but you know he's on track so maybe he is. anyways I hope that was enough Arielle 😂😂😂😂😂 so yeah I think that's all for now, thank you all for reading, I have over 100 Denton reads.. WHAT EBEN?!?!? it's not eben like this is a legitimate book.. lol comment below your favorite Broadway show... I'm not eben gonna say mine cuz I'm assuming you could guess it by now... I think that this chapter is pretty long so
I'm proud of myself!! lol ok bye all of you Denton's and don't forget to vote and comment!!

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