chapter twenty

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did anybody else just watch dance moms?? OH MY DENTON I SWEAR CATHY NEEDS TO LEAVE!!!! sorry but it's true! I mean, she has a team full of people who Abby turned down, meaning that Cathy was their SECOND choice... maybe that's why they always get SECOND place!!!! HAHAHA DENTON THAT CATHY. sorry I had to have a little rant there, and also sorry if you have no clue (what I'm doing!) what I'm talking about... anyways I said is updates agin today and I will. if anybody knows of any good newsies fanfiction please notify me of it bc I love it but I feel like is read them all😂😂😂 lol but for real. maybe I'll red some newsies one shots or something... hmmm... idk. anyways if you didn't read the last chapter then first of all: GO READ IT DENTON and second of all: I MADE IT INTO THE SEIZE THE DAY SMALL GROUP!! sorry I already talked about this but it was the highlight of my day (besides your update Rita ritzbabes ). go read Lame Names bc it's such a good book and it's by ritzbabes so this chapter is dedicated to you!!! the most recent chapter is my favorite thing in the world OMD you won't eben get it. anyways go read that!! and hkinnc01 Maksyl_is_life fungirl426 don't worry I'll talk about your books next!!! but you gotta update first haha😂 lol jk, but that would be nice!!!!! ok anyways I think I'm gonna finish this, comment the word DENTON just bc I told you to. COMMENT VOTE AND FOLLOW ME!!😊

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